

分类: 影视英语 


Janitor: Mike O'Donnell.

Mike: Do I know you?

Janitor: No. But I know you.

Mike: Oh, yeah?

Janitor: High school star. Never quite lived up to your potential. Sooner or later you all come back to the old school. Stand there and look at the picture of the glory days, wondering what might have been. Seems to me you guys are living in the past.

Mike: Well, of course I want to live in the past. It was better there.

Janitor: I'll bet you wish you had it to do all over again.

Mike: Huh. You got that right.

Janitor: You're sure about that?

Mike: Oh, yeah.

Maggie: Dad.

Girls: Hi, Mr. O'Donnell.

Mike: Ladies.

Maggie: What are you doing here?

Mike: Oh, I was just talking to...nobody. Doesn't matter. I got off work early, and I thought maybe we could go for some ice cream.

Maggie: Together? Why?

Mike: Just go get your brother, okay?

Waitress: Do you need anything else?

Mike: No, we're fine. What's the matter, Maggie? This used to be your favorite place. We used to come here for your birthday.

Maggie: Yeah, when I was, like, 8.

Mike: So, Al, basketball season's coming up. You ready?

Al: Yeah.

Mike: Been working on that outside shot?

Al: Mm-hm.

Mike: Passing?

Al: Good.

Mike: Dribbling?

Al: Really good.

Mike: Good's not going to get you a scholarship.

Al: I meant, it's great. It's great, Dad. It's great.

Mike: That's my boy. Remember, it's not how big you are.

Al: It's how big you play.

Mike: Right up here.

Al: Uh, Maggie got into Georgetown.

Mike: Maggie, that's awesome. Can you turn down the? (They arrive home) Okay, guys, see you soon. Love you. Nice chatting with you. (He meets his wife) What the hell are you doing? What the hell are you doing?! Hey, that's my stuff. Why are you destroying our yard?

Scarlet: It's not our yard. It's my yard, remember? You took the road not taken. And I get the yard. I'm going to turn it into a showpiece for my clients.

Mike: Clients of what?

Scarlet: Landscape design.

Mike: Landscape design?

Scarlet: I'm going to show people what I can do.

Mike: Yeah, well, the divorce isn't final for another two weeks, so you have no right.

Scarlet: Really? So I've spent the last 18 years of my life listening to you whine about all the things you could've done without me, and I have no right?

Mike: It's just I put a lot of work into this yard.

Scarlet: Did you? Really? Like the barbeque pit?

Mike: Yeah.

Scarlet: Yeah. The way I remember that is that you spent about an hour working on it, and then you spent the next two days complaining about if you had gone to college, you could've hired someone else to do it.

Mike: I don't think it was a whole two days.

Scarlet: Or the hammock over here.

Mike: Yeah.

Scarlet: Yeah. I think you quit that one because you just decided not to try anymore.

Mike: Look, try to see things from my point of view. I am extremely disappointed with my life.

Scarlet: I never asked you to marry me.

Mike: Yeah, but I did.

Scarlet: Well, you don't have to do me any more favors, then. We're not going to hold each other back anymore, okay?

Mike: Scar...

Scarlet: I'll see you at court, okay? At the trial.

Naomi: Scarlet.

Scarlet: Naomi! You came.

Naomi: Of course I came. What kind of bridesmaid would I be if I didn't hold your hand during the divorce? Now, just remember. The first one's always the hardest. Mike.

Mike: Naomi.

Naomi: Naomi.

Mike: I don't care.

Naomi: Let's get going. We got to get you ready. We got to get you back on the market.

Scarlet: Yeah, I'm a real catch. Single mom with two teenage kids and manure caked under my fingernails.

Naomi: Come on. You'll do great. You got the butt of a 12-year-old boy.

Mike: Oh, that's terrific. I hope our daughter heard that.

Naomi: Ugh. When was the last time you waxed?

Scarlet: Bye, Mike.

Mike: Bye.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. live up to: 实践,不辜负,与……相配。影片中白胡子老人一语道破麦克心中的遗憾,即他一直认为自己不曾充分发挥自己的潜能。看一下例子:

The new house didn't live up to expectations.(这幢新房子没有预期的好。)

His wife was so clever that he felt he could never live up to her.


2. glory days: 往日的美好时光;昔日的辉煌。

3. get off work: 下班。也可以用knock off来表示“下班,收工”。例如:

What time do you knock off for lunch?(你什么时候中断工作吃午饭?)#p#分页标题#e#

4. outside shot: 外线投篮。

5. passing: 传球。

6. dribbling: 运球。

7. showpiece: (供展示用的)样品。

8. whine (about): 发牢骚。从Scarlet的话我们可以知道,Mike以前动不动就发牢骚说,自己当初如果没有和Scarlet结婚、被保送大学的话,今天就不会是这个样子。看一下例子:

Don't be a baby and whine about trifles.


9. hold each other back: 妨碍对方。hold back有“阻挡,阻止……前进”的意思。例如:He was held back from further promotion.(他没得到进一步的提升。)

10. catch: 值得看重的婚配对象,值得获得的人(或物)。看一下例子:

Beatrice was marrying the catch of the season.


