

分类: 影视英语 


Carrie: Thanks

Waitress: Are you ready order?

Miranda: I think we'll wait for a friend. Thanks.

Carrie: That's a whole lot pills. How many you're working there?

Samantha: 44.

Miranda: I'm on a 10-day 40's plan.

Samantha: Women our age shouldn't joke about vitamins

Carrie: Women who's not our age shouldn't say "women our age".

Samantha: One day very soon you will thank me. I'm leading the way through the menopause maze with my vitamins, my melatonin sleep patches cream, my bioidentical estrogen cream,a touch of teststrone.

Carrie: She's the hormone whisper.

Carrie: I am. I've tricked my body into thinking it's younger.

Miranda: I've tricked my body into thinking it's thinner. Spanks!

Samantha: And I'm telling you. No hot flushes,no mood swings and my sex drive is right back to where it was.

Carrie: Really? Hadn't heard.

Miranda: Where are you getting your information?

Samantha: From Suzanne Sommers and her team of doctors. I'll get you a copy. It's a revelation.

Miranda: You're taking medical advice from the woman who invented the "Thigh Masterin"?

Samantha: Damn right if you've seen my thighs? Ok go ahead laugh. It's working. By the time you ladies are 50, I'll be 35.

Miranda: There she is.

Samantha: I thought it was just gonna be the 4 of us.

Charlotte: Don't worry. The nanny will be here in a minute. Harry's just not back from playing the golf with the guys.

Carrie: Let me hold that pretty little Rose. Ok, no.

Charlotte: She just learned the word "NO".

Carrie: Good for her. We're hoping that Samantha learns it one of these days.

Miranda: "Terrible two's"?

Charlotte: No she's not terrible!

Miranda: No of course. She is not terrible. The terrible two's are terrible.

Charlotte: Right. She is in the "I only want mummy" phase.

Daughter: And me and Erin!

Charlotte: Erin that's right!just you and me and Erin.

Samantha: Who's Erin?

Miranda: Her nanny.

Charlotte: How are you gonna swallow all those?

Samantha: Have we met?

Charlotte: Erin!

Erin: Morning ladies. I hear it was quite a glorious wedding.

Carrie: As it was.

Erin: You must be the famous Samantha. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Now I know a little girl who would just love to practice her cartwheels on the lawn.

Daughter: Yeah!

Charlotte: Do you have the sunglasses?

Erin: Come to me you little pet! There you go. You have yourselves a lovely morning.

Charlotte: You too. Thank you Erin.

Carrie: That is so sweet!

Samantha: That's your nanny?

Charlotte: Yes. That's Erin

Samantha: You mean "Erin go braless".

Charlotte: Haha she doesn't wear bra.

Samantha: Was she wearing a bra the job interview?

Charlotte: I don't know Samantha.I was too busy thinking about her degree in children's education, and how much the girls liked her.

Samantha: So her tits never came up.

Charlotte: No. Her tits never came up and she's amazing.

Charlotte: I'm sure she is. But honey there gotta be a law against hiring a nanny that looks like that.

Carrie: Yeah!the "Jude Law".

It seems it wasn't only the children that were captivated by Charlotte's Irish nanny and she lucky charms!

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. menopause:更年期。有些处于这个阶段的女性会出现menopausal depression(更年期抑郁)。

2. melatonin:褪黑激素。

3. hot flush:女性更年期的潮热,阵发性皮肤炽热感。

4. mood swings:情绪波动,情绪起伏。下面再向大家介绍几个swing构成的短语:

swing into action 立即行动起来;马上大干起来

get in/into the swing (of something) 熟悉(某种情况);融入(某种活动或环境之中)

go with a swing 聚会或活动热闹有趣;气氛热烈,例如:She made the whole party go with a swing.(她把整个聚会搞得热热闹闹的。)

in full swing 在热烈进行中;处于兴盛阶段,例如:When we arrived the party was already in full swing.(我们赶到时,聚会已进入高潮。)

swings and roundabouts 有得必有失

5. cartwheels:侧手翻,也称为“横筋斗”,“做侧手翻”就可以用turn cartwheels来表示。

6. braless:不戴胸罩的。

7. Jude Law:这里是指“Jude Law(裘德•洛)” 传过勾引保姆的丑闻,因此几位好友暗示Charlotte雇佣这么性感的保姆要小心。

