

分类: 影视英语 


Dylan: Here we are.

Jamie: This is beautiful.

Dylan: Yeah, this is where I used to come to think. My rooftop.

Jamie: Okay, how high do you think that fence is?

Dylan: I'm a little over 6 foot. Looks like it's about three of me. So six times three... Ninety-two feet. Ninety-two feet. That's really tall, right?

Jamie: Yeah.

Dylan: But they don't want you to get up there, so I guess that makes sense. Wait. Six times three...

Jamie: Oh, God, you poor kid.

Dylan: What's up?

Jamie: Come on.

Dylan: What? What? Where are you going? Jamie, no, no, no, no, no, wait. They take this shit seriously, okay? Look at all the cameras. This is the only landmark this city has other than the Scientology Center. And if any of these cameras are hooked up to the actual Scientology Center, that was an inappropriate joke and I apologize. I believe in the freedom of science fiction.

Jamie: Pussy! Oh, sorry. Pussy! Come on! You really never been up here before

Dylan: No. I've also never transferred heroin in my rectum, 'cause it's against the law.

Jamie: You know, sometimes a simple yes or no answer is adequate. Hey, why didn't you tell me about your mom?

Dylan: She's not worth talking about.

Jamie: That's rough.

Dylan: So is leaving your husband and kids.

Jamie: Yeah, you never told me about him either. You know, there's a lot of stuff you didn't tell me.

Dylan: I don't want your pity. I can handle anything except that look in people's eyes. That one.

Jamie: Who cares what anybody thinks?

Dylan: He's the smartest man I've ever known. He's the only person I'd ever go to for advice. He's my dad.

Jamie: Dylan, he's still the same man.

Dylan: When I see the way people look at him now...

Jamie: It doesn't matter how people look at him. All that matters is how you look at him.

Dylan: Yeah, but he's walking around without his pants. Everyone's staring.

Jamie: So what?

Dylan: It's embarrassing.

Jamie: He needs to know that nothing has changed. That he's still that same man to you.

Dylan: Can we stop talking about this?

Jamie: Yeah, that's really smart. Let's just not talk about our feelings.

Dylan: I'm trying not to.

Jamie: Come on. Is something going on here? You've been acting really weird.

Dylan: No, I haven't.

Jamie: Yeah, you have. Is this about what happened the other night?

Dylan: What, sex? That doesn't mean anything. You know that.

Jamie: Right.

Dylan: And I haven't been acting weird. 

Jamie: Okay.

Dylan: Oh, my God! 

Jamie: Oh, shit!

Dylan: I told you!

Jamie: Well, I'm sorry!

Dylan: Fuck!

Police: This is the LAPD. You are trespassing. Get down from the sign.

Jamie: We gotta jump. Dylan, jump!

Dylan: I'm frozen.

Jamie: Come on, get down!

Police: Sin this is your last warning.

Jamie: Use the ladder!

Dylan: I have a fear of heights! And also helicopters! They don't make sense to me!

Jamie: What do you mean you have a fear of heights? Why would you come up here?

Dylan: You called me a pussy!

TV: A bizarre situation this afternoon in the Southland. The LAPD rescued a local man from the Hollywood sign the city's only real landmark.

Annie: They actually wrapped you in a foil blanket! Did you run a marathon before this?

Dylan: Okay. Give me...

Annie: No, no. I wanna save it. I gotta save it. 

Dylan: No. That's enough! Give me the remote! Shut up!

Annie: No, I wanna watch it over and over. Foil wrapper... It's okay, it'll be up on YouTube. Hey, you're still good to take Dad that week I have to go to DC for Sam's class trip, right?

Dylan: Yeah, he's gonna stay with me in New York. 

Annie: Oh, good.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. science fiction: 科幻小说

2. pussy: (儿语)小猫,猫咪;在这里指胆小鬼

3. LAPD: Los Angeles Police Department,洛杉矶警察局

4. trespass: 擅自进入,比如:No trespassing! (不得擅自闯入!)

trespass也可以指“打扰、妨碍”,后面常加on/upon 例如:I don't want to trespass on your hospitality.(我不想叨扰你。)

5. frozen: 这里指“我不能动了”。例如:The man sat frozen with fear.(那人吓得呆坐着。)

6. fear of heights: 恐高症

7. bizarre: 奇异的,异乎寻常的

例如:The story has a certain bizarre interest.(这个故事听起来别有风趣。)

8. marathon: 马拉松, 也可以指耐力比赛,例如:a dance marathon(一场持久的跳舞比赛)

