

分类: 影视英语 


Salesman: I'll be right with you. Hi. Can I help you?

Sarah: Single chicken breast, please.

Salesman: For an extra 75 cents, you can get the whole fryer here. Two breasts, two thighs and a wing. Today's special.

Sarah: Thank you. I don't know when I'd eat all that.

Salesman: It's just an extra 75 cents.

Sarah: It's not the 75 cents. I hate to see food go bad.

Salesman: We got a hundred recipes. You can cook them, freeze them and...

Sarah: Look, listen to me, mister. I'm divorced, okay? I eat alone, usually standing over the sink. I don't want a bunch of chicken hanging around, okay?

Salesman: Okay.

Sarah: Thank you.


Leo: Hey. There she is. Good morning. How are you?

Sarah: Good morning. I called you last night to see if you were up for a movie or bowling or group shampooing.

Leo: I'm sorry. Eric's parents are in town. Mr. And Mrs. Stalin. I'm under house arrest.

Sarah: Weren't they just here?

Leo: Thank you. I don't know why they can't stay at a hotel. Nothing I do makes them happy. And they make Eric so nervous, he's like the Tin Man.

Sarah: You have to hang in there, Leo. You and Eric are my model for a successful relationship.

Leo: I fear for you, child.

Sarah: Anyone have anything exciting happen this weekend to share?

Kid: My Uncle Mike slept over.

Sarah: Uncles and aunts are very important to us, aren't they?

Kid: He's not really my uncle, but my mommy makes me call him that. When he's there, I can't sleep with my mommy because he's in her bed.

Sarah: Anyone else have anything they'd like to share? Yes, Austin.

Austin: My parents are trying it apart for a while.

Sarah: We have a theme, June.

June: Yes, we do.

Austin: And Mom says my dad is incorrigible. That means he likes other women.

Teachers: Good. One, two.

Girl: Let me try.

June: That's a hop.

Sarah: One, two, that's a new step. Very good. Molly, you wanna try the sticks?

June: Yeah, come on, Molly.

Sarah: Very good. Keep it going like that.

Kid: Watch. No, I'm doing it.

June: Oh, Austin!

Austin: Good Lord, it's a gusher.

Sarah: Let me see your teeth.

Bob: Hey, bubba.

Sarah: Look who's here.

Austin: Daddy!

Bob: Are you all right?

Austin: Yep, I'm fine.

Sarah: He had a decent bloody nose for a while, but he's fine now. You didn't have to rush right over.

Bob: A kid bleeds, I show up. It's house rules. You wanna get your stuff together now?

Austin: Yeah.

Bob: Then I need a minute alone with Ms. Nolan.

Austin: Okay. Bye, Ms. Nolan.

Sarah: Bye. No. No. No.

Bob: So, Ms. Nolan...

Sarah: Sarah, please.

Bob: And I'm Bob. Actually, everybody calls me Bobby. I've been trying to change it since third grade.

Sarah: I'm always a pushover for Bobbys ever since my first boyfriend, Bobby Healy, just... You know? I forget, is it "always discuss your personal history with parents" or "never discuss"?

Bob: It's "always discuss." Besides, I find it comforting. So has Austin told you anything about...?

Sarah: About you and...

Bob: Yeah.

Sarah: That you're taking a break from your marriage and you're incorrigible.

Bob: That particular phrasing came from his mother. I wouldn't have put it exactly that way, but...

Sarah: I'm sorry.

Bob: If there's anything you think I need to know, just tell me.

Sarah: Oh I will.

Bob: Sometimes with Austin, you can forget. Because he seems so mature.

Sarah: I know. The other day he was asking me about my retirement plan.

Bob: Well, he cares about you, and he wants you to be financially secure. You know Austin adores you. I can see why.

Sarah: Thank you, Bob.

Bob: I might prefer Bobby after all. I mean, I like the... I like the history.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. fryer: 可供油炸的食品。

2. up for: 打算,准备,考虑。

例如:The way she looked at Mike left little doubt that she would be up for anything he suggested.(她看着迈克的那个样子,毋庸置疑,迈克让她干什么她都会乖乖去做。)

3. hang in there: 不气馁,不畏难,坚持下去。

例如:Hang in there. Things will look up soon.(忍耐一下,事情很快就会好转的。)

4. sleep over: 留宿,在别人家里过夜。

例如:She told her husband that she had slept over at a girlfriend's house last night.(她跟老公说她昨晚睡在一个女性朋友那边。)

5. incorrigible: 不可救药的,积习难改的。

例如:No one could understand why he stood up for an incorrigible criminal.(大家都无法理解他为什么为一个无药可救的罪犯辩护。)

6. gusher: 自喷油井。

7. get your stuff together: 把你的东西收拾好。

get something together有“整理,收拾好(房间、东西等)”的意思。

例如:I shall spend most of the day getting the place together for my girlfriend's visit.(为了我女友的来访,我要花大半天来收拾房间。)

8. pushover: 易于征服或控制的人。影片中莎拉指的是她在名叫Bobby的人面前会丧失抵抗力。

看一下例句:Set boundaries and don't let others see you as a pushover.(设置底线,不要让他人认为你是容易受影响的人。)

