

分类: 影视英语 


Jake: You like her?

Bill: She's a handsome boat.

Jake: Yeah.

Bill: Reminds one of the longboats they would run out of the sweet harbor at Bantry Bay.

Jake: Actually, I designed this one based on a Portuguese boat. But historically, you know, you're correct, yeah.

Bill: What are you talking about? You built this boat yourself?

Jake: Yes, sir. You build boats?

Bill: No, no. Truth be told, I don't know the first thing about them. But I do appreciate a work of art.

Jake: Well, thank you, sir. I'm about to sell this work of art to a guy who's gonna cut it in half and stick it on his wall.

Bill: Oh, no.

Jake: Yeah. I'm about to take her out for a last paddle before I meet the butcher at noon.

Bill: Why would you do a thing like that?

Jake: It's a long story. Something about the violation of expectations and a crushing loss of faith in love and life and art.

Bill: So it's a girl.

Jake: Yes.

Bill: I've had a little girl trouble myself lately. But better to have loved and lost. Am I right?

Jake: She was a unique constellation of attributes. She was my Halley's comet. But... Universe is designed to break your heart, yes?

Bill: A philosopher as well as an artist. Yes, it's we who suffer most.

Jake: Yes. With the possible exception being the victims of violent crime.

Bill: Well, it's been a pleasure to meet you, sir.

Jake: No, no, pleasure's all mine. Jake.

Bill: Bill. You know, I have a daughter who would...

Jake: No, no.

Bill: Never mind. No, no. Sorry.


Sarah: Well, this is a surprise.

Bill: Can't a father pay a visit to his daughter on a beautiful Sunday morning?

Sarah: Carol called you, didn't she? She's afraid I'm getting into my pajamas again.

Bill: Actually, Carol called Christine, Christine called Michael, Michael called me.

Sarah: Any word from Aunt Eileen?

Bill: She said to tell you that Casey Donovan was adopted. If that helps.

Sarah: Well, at this point, he's starting to look awfully good.

Bill: He's out there, Sarah. Someone who would appreciate all you have to offer. After all, you're this unique constellation of attributes. You're Halley's comet. You’re...

Sarah: What did you just say?

Bill: It's a nice turn of phrase, but it's not my own. I heard it from a young man I met this morning. Builds beautiful Irish boats. Poor lad. Had his heart broken by a woman he deeply cared about. Deeply.


Sarah: Jake. Jake!

Charlie: Hello there.

Sarah: Hi. Hi, I'm looking for Jake. Jake Anderson. Is he here?

Charlie: No, he isn't. But lucky for both of us, I am.

Sarah: I really don't have time for this. Do you know where he is?

Charlie: You're "must love dogs," aren't you? You've already crushed the poor guy, he's been moping around for weeks. He's even given up the whole wooden-boat thing. You've done enough.

Sarah: No, no, no. That's all wrong. That’s why I have to talk to him. Please tell me. Where is he?

Charlie: I can't tell you that.

Sarah: I said, where is he?

Charlie: I'm not telling you. (dog barks) You know the bridge by the boat ramp?


Sarah: Jake? Jake. Jake! Excuse me, I'd like to rent a boat, please.

Man: I'm sorry, we're all out of boats.

Girl 1: All right, come on.

Girl 2: Oh, a love chase.

Sarah: Come on, girl, you can do this. This is really important to me. Come on. I think he could be the one.

Girls: Come on, girls, let's get going. Push! Push! Push! Push!

Sarah: Push, push!

Girls: Push! Push! Push! Push!

Sarah: Push! That's him. I see him! Jake! Jake! Stop the boat! Never mind. Okay, girl, here we go. Jake!

Girl: Here she goes!

Sarah: Jake.

Jake: What are you doing? All right. Here we go. All the way up. Almost.

Sarah: Come on, girl.

Jake: Come on.

Sarah: Good girl, you can do it.

Jake: Here we go. Watch your paws there.

Sarah: Easy, easy. Cold. Cold. Very cold.

Jake: Here we go.

Sarah: Thank you.

Jake: Was there something you wanted to say to me?

Sarah: Yes.

Jake: Could have just called.

Sarah: Perhaps that would have been the wiser course, yes.

Jake: What's up?

Sarah: I owe you my story. You asked me for honesty and...it scared the hell out of me, and I held back...and I just didn't want to let you see the real me. Because I was afraid of getting hurt again. But, listen, I hear that the universe lets your heart expand...and grow back even bigger after you go through all that pain. Well, I believe that now. And I was just wishing there was a way that...I could have another chance to make this work.


Salesman: I'll be right with you. Hi, how can I...? Don't worry, I got it. Single chicken breast, no dating advice, coming right up.

Sarah: Actually, I would like to have three whole fryers, please. And six pork chops and a lamb shank.

Jake: And do you have any dog bones back there? If you do, throw them in the cart. What are the specials today?

Salesman: Yes. Thank you.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. Truth be told, I don't know the first thing about them: 说实话,我对它们(船)一窍不通。don't know the first thing about意思是“根本不知道……,对……一窍不通”。

2. constellation: 荟萃。

3. Halley's comet: 哈雷彗星。

4. pleasure's all mine: 这都是我的荣幸。

5. turn of phrase: 措辞。

6. lad: 小伙子。

7. mope around: 闷闷不乐。例如:Come out for a walk instead of moping around in the house.(别在房里垂头丧气地打转,出来散散步吧。)

8. ramp: (船只的)下水滑道,滑轨。

9. scared the hell out of me: 把我吓坏了。

10. hold back: 退缩。看一下例句:

If you are held back by the excuse that you are not yet ready, you'll never be ready.


11. lamb shank: 羊小腿。

12. What are the specials today?: 今天有什么特价商品?

