

分类: 影视英语 
Then it's high time that you learned.那现在是时候学一下了。(high time: 正是应该……的时候。) You got to come clean for that innocent young girl.你应该对那个无辜的女孩坦白。 Who is this fetching woman?这位迷人的小姐是?(形容“迷人”除了attractive还可以用fetching) Yes, well, opportunity comes when you least expect it, my dear.没错,机会总是在最不经意之时垂青于你,亲爱的。 Oh, sister, I like him already.哦,妹妹,我已经开始喜欢他了。 Fits like a glove.再合适不过了。 I am on no one's side.我是中立的。 Yes, uh, boggling to the minds of all who witness it.是的,见识过的人都目瞪口呆。 Oh, I do wish I could see it for myself.哦,那我真希望我也能亲眼见识一下。 All things in good time. And a good time for all things.现在时机未到,该施展时自会施展。 She'll get over me.她会忘了我的。 Guys, um, take five.伙计们,先休息一下。

