

分类: 影视英语 

Chapter  7

BLAM! Joy shot out of the tube and landed in a basket of memories. Sadness fell out next, crashing hard against the ground next to Joy. The core memories rolled in different directions. Joy frantically gathered them up. "One, two, three… okay. Where are we?"

Joy looked at the shelving units that surrounded them, and suddenly she realized they were in Long Term Memory. Grabbing the core memories, Joy hopped out of the memory basket. She could see Goofball Island in the distance, silent and dark. Beyond Goofball, the other islands were dark and lifeless, too.

Sadness walked up slowly behind Joy. "Riley's Islands of Personality. They're ALL down! Oh, this is bad, this is very, very bad," she whimpered.

"We—we can fix this," Joy stammered. "We just have to get back to Headquarters, plug the core memories in, and Riley will be back to normal."

With a sense of urgency, Joy and Sadness hurried toward Headquarters. "Riley has no core memories, no personality islands and no…" Sadness stopped suddenly with a gasp.

"What is it?" Joy asked.

"You!" Sadness declared. "YOU'RE not in Headquarters. Without you, Riley can't be happy."

Joy realized that Sadness was right. Together they crossed the bridge toward Goofball Island. She knew that if she could make it to the lightline, she could walk the power line that led from the core memory holder to the Islands of Personality, all the way back to Headquarters. "I'm coming, Riley," Joy said, determined. Headquarters loomed in the distance, the tallest structure in all of Mind World. It was going to be a long journey back.

That night, when Riley sat down to have dinner with her parents, she was quiet and distant.

Fear, Anger, and Disgust stood in Headquarters, stumped, as they looked at the empty core memory holder and the dark Islands of Personality.

"Riley is acting so weird," Disgust commented.

"What do you expect?" Anger demanded. "All the islands are down."

Disgust flipped her hair. "Joy would know what to do."

The three Emotions looked at one another as they came to a decision. They would do what Joy did until the missing Emotion returned. But there was a problem. None of them knew how to be happy.

"Hey, Riley," Mom said. "I've got good news! I found a junior hockey league right here in San Francisco. And get this: tryouts are tomorrow after school. What luck, right?"

"Pretend to be Joy," Fear said, quickly pushing a reluctant Disgust toward the controls.

"Won't it be great to be back out on the ice?" Mom asked.

Disgust rolled her eyes as she pushed a few buttons.

"Oh yeah, that sounds fantastic," Riley replied sarcastically.

The look on Mom's face showed that she was clearly taken aback.

"What was that?" Fear asked. "That wasn't anything like Joy."

"Uh, because I'm NOT Joy," Disgust said.

Inside Mom's Headquarters, her Emotions were scrambling to assess the situation. "Did you guys pick up on that?" Mom's Sadness asked. Her other Emotions nodded. "Let's probe," Mom's Sadness said. "But keep it subtle so she doesn't notice."

"So, how was the first day of school?" Mom asked.

"She's probing us," Anger said.

"I'm done," said Disgust. She turned to Fear. "YOU pretend to be Joy."

"What? Uh...okay," Fear said, awkwardly stepping up to the controls.

But Fear wasn't any better at helping Riley act like herself than Disgust. Riley continued to sound strange, and her mom noticed.

Inside Mom's Headquarters, her Emotions decided to take a different approach. "Signal the husband," Mom's Sadness said.

Mom tried to signal Dad, but inside his Headquarters, his Emotions were busy watching a hockey match. Finally, Mom's signal worked. "Uh-oh," Dad's Anger said. "She's looking at us." He clicked off the hockey game and tried to pay attention.

Mom raised her eyebrows at him, signaling him again as he stared at her blankly, wondering what she was trying to say. Finally, he got it. "Ahhh, so, Riley! How was school?" he asked.

Inside Riley's Headquarters, Anger had had enough. "Move," he said, marching up to the console. "I'LL be Joy."

"School was great, all right?" Riley's voice was full of attitude.

"Riley, is everything okay?" Mom asked, concerned.

Riley rolled her eyes and let out a dramatic groan.

Inside Dad's Headquarters, his Emotions finally noticed Riley's odd behavior. "Sir, she just rolled her eyes at us," Dad's Fear said.

"Riley, I do NOT like this new attitude," Dad said.

"Oh, I'll show you attitude, old man," Anger said, steaming up.

"No!" Fear said, trying to stop Anger from exploding. "Stay happy!" But Anger shoved him away and forcefully hit a button on the console.

"What is your problem? Just leave me alone," said Riley.

Like a soldier, Dad's Fear reported "high levels of sass" and his Emotions took it to DEFCON 2, the highest level of alert before things got really bad. The siren inside Dad's Headquarters blared and his Emotions prepared to "put the foot down."

Inside Riley's mind, Anger had really worked himself up. "You want a piece of this, Pops? Come and get it!" he yelled, and with all his might, he pushed two levers as far forward as they would go.

"Just shut up!" Riley yelled.

"Fire!" yelled Dad's Anger, like a sergeant.

"That's it!" Dad yelled. "Go to your room! Now!" Riley pushed her chair away from the table and stomped upstairs to her bedroom.

Once Riley got to her bedroom, she slammed the door behind her.

"The foot is down! The foot is down!" Dad's Fear announced. All the Emotions inside Dad's mind cheered.

"Good job, gentlemen," Dad's Anger said. "That could have been a disaster."

Mom's Emotions sighed with disappointment. "Well, that was a disaster," Mom's Sadness said.

第 7 章









































爸爸脑中的恐惧小人像士兵一样报告了 “高级别的冲撞”,其他情绪小人把这当作二级防御事件,这是事情完全失控前的最高警戒。警笛在爸爸的情绪总部里嘟嘟作响,情绪小人们准备好要“解除威胁”。









