

分类: 影视英语 

Chapter  19

Joy landed with a thud and groaned as she rolled down the long, steep hill into the shadows filled with faded memories. When she finally stopped, she looked around, confused, trying to figure out where she was.

She hugged the bag of core memories tightly. All the memories were still inside.

Then she looked up at the ledge high above her. Suddenly, she knew where she was: the Memory Dump! She couldn't believe how far she had fallen. She frantically ran up the steep mountain, trying to climb it, but came crashing back down. She tried again and again, but each time she tumbled right back down to the bottom.

A short distance away, Bing Bong was looking down at his hand: it was beginning to fade. "Oh no," he said. He ran off to find Joy.

When he finally reached her, Joy was still trying to claw her way up the mountain.

"Joy, what are you doing?" Bing Bong asked.

"Would you stop, please?"

But Joy ignored him and continued trying to scale the cliff.

"Don't you get it, Joy? We're stuck down here. We're forgotten."

Joy stopped in her tracks, feeling the pain of Bing Bong's words. She looked down at her feet and watched as the memories around her faded and disappeared. A short distance away lay the blue core memory of Riley crying in class. Her heart breaking, Joy fell to her knees as tears began to run down her face.

She tried to focus on the old happy memories of young Riley. "Remember how she used to stick her tongue out when she was coloring?" Joy said longingly. She continued to flip through old memories, watching and remembering happier times. "I could listen to her stories all day," she said, watching one of three-year-old Riley talking to a bug.

Joy finally picked up the blue core memory. She couldn't believe how miserable Riley was. "I just wanted Riley to be happy, and now…" Feeling truly hopeless, Joy cried even harder.

One of Joy's tears fell onto the sphere that contained the faded memory of the twisty tree. Joy wiped the tear away and it rewound the memory… and the color of the sphere changed from gold to blue.

In the memory, Riley sat in the tree with her parents as the team approached in the distance. Joy looked closer and closer. Then she used her hand to rewind the memory farther. She remembered what Sadness had said: It was the day the Prairie Dogs lost the big playoff game. Riley missed the winning shot. She felt awful. She wanted to quit.

Joy watched as the hockey team surrounded Riley in the twisty tree, and suddenly she realized…

Mom and Dad… the team… they had come to help because of Sadness.

Joy turned to Bing Bong with renewed energy. She knew what had to be done. "We have to get back up there," she said, determined.

Bing Bong looked at her sadly. "Joy, we're stuck down here forever. We might as well be on another planet."

"Another planet," Joy said thoughtfully. That gave her an idea—what about taking Bing Bong's rocket ship to the moon? She started to sing his theme song.

Bing Bong's eyes lit up as he understood the plan, and he joined her in song. As the melody drifted across the dump, off in the distance Bing Bong's rocket answered back by binging and bonging!

Joy and Bing Bong ran toward the sound and found the rocket. They could fly out of the dump!

They pulled the rocket wagon up one of the big mountains. "Hop in!" Joy shouted, and they both climbed inside. Bing Bong pushed off and they sang their hearts out. The song powered the rocket as it sped down the mountain. When it reached the bottom, it shot up the next hill, launching into the air.

Joy reached for the high ledge above the dump… but they weren't even close. They crashed back down. "C'mon!" Joy said, ready to try again.

They took the wagon up another mountain, singing even louder now. But again they fell short of the ledge and dropped back into the dump. The rocket just didn't have enough power. Bing Bong looked down at his hand and noticed that it was disappearing!

"Come on, Joy," he said, reaching out to help her stand. "One more time. I've got a feeling about this one."

They took the wagon up the mountain and sang once again. "Louder!" yelled Bing Bong. "Louder, Joy! Sing louder!"

When they reached the base of the mountain, Bing Bong dove out of the wagon, but Joy didn't notice. Without his additional weight, the wagon had plenty of momentum. Bing Bong watched as Joy and the wagon soared into the air.

"We're going to make it!" Joy shouted as she flew closer and closer to the ledge.

The rocket made it! "Woo-hoo!" Joy cried. "Bing Bong, we did it! We—" Joy turned around and gasped. "Bing Bong? Bing Bong!"

Joy hurried to the edge and looked over the side. Bing Bong was down at the bottom, laughing and dancing. "Ya ha ha!" he sang. "You made it! Ha ha! Go! Go save Riley! Ha ha ha! Take her to the moon for me. Okay?" Bing Bong waved and vanished.

"I'll try, Bing Bong," Joy said, hanging her head. "I promise."

第 19 章
































