Funny Cow Jokes 1
Why did the moron give the sleepy cow a hammer? He wanted her to hit the hay!
Funny Cow Jokes 2
Why do cows think cooks are mean? They whip cream!
Funny Cow Jokes 3
Why doesn’t Sweden export it’s cattle? It wants to keep it’s Stockholm!
Funny Cow Jokes 4
What is the definition of “moon”? The past tense of “moo”!
Funny Cow Jokes 5
Why was he woman arrested on a cattle ranch for wearing a silk dress? She was charged with rustling!
Cow Jokes
Funny Cow Jokes 6
Why was the calf afraid? He was a cow-herd!
Funny Cow Jokes 7
Why wouldn’t anyone play with the little longhorn? He was too much of a bully!
Funny Cow Jokes 8
What magazine makes cows stampede to the newsstand? Cows-mopolitan!
Funny Cow Jokes 9
What’s the best way to make a bull sweat ? Put him in a tight jumper !
Funny Cow Jokes 10
What South American dance do cows like to do? The Rump-a
Funny Cow Jokes 11
Q. What does a cow make when the sun comes out? A. A shadow
Funny Cow Jokes 12
What do you get when a cow goes to the Beach with tanning oil? Pre-tanned leather.
Funny Cow Jokes 13
What sound do you hear when you drop a bomb on a cow? Cowboom!
Funny Cow Jokes 14
What did the calf say to the silo? “Is my fodder in there?”
Funny Cow Jokes 15
What would you hear at a cow concert? Moo-sic!
Funny Cow Jokes 16
Why did the cow jump over the moon? To get to the Milky Way!
Funny Cow Jokes 17
What’s a cow’s favorite moosical note? Beef-flat!
Funny Cow Jokes 18
Why did the farmer fence in the bull? The farmer had too much of a steak in him to let him go!
Funny Cow Jokes 19
Why did the farmer put brandy in the cow’s food? He wanted to raised stewed beef!
Funny Cow Jokes 20
Why did the farmer put his cow on the scales? He wanted to see how much the milky weighed!