

分类: 趣味英语 

Today's Highlight in History:
On November 22nd, 1963, President Kennedy was shot to death while riding in a motorcade(汽车行列,汽车长龙) in Dallas. Texas Governor John B. Connally, in the same limousine(豪华轿车) as Kennedy, was seriously wounded. Lee Harvey Oswald, suspected of assassinating the president, was arrested.

On this date:
In 1718, English pirate Edward Teach -- better known as "Blackbeard" -- was killed during a battle off the Virginia coast.

In 1890, French president Charles de Gaulle was born in Lille, France.

In 1906, the "SOS" distress signal(遇险信号) was adopted at the International Radio Telegraphic Convention in Berlin.

In 1928, "Bolero(波利乐舞)" by Maurice Ravel made its debut in Paris.

In 1943, President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek met in Cairo to discuss measures for defeating Japan.

In 1943, lyricist Lorenz Hart died in New York at age 48.

In 1965, the musical "Man of La Mancha" opened in New York.

In 1975, Juan Carlos was proclaimed(宣布,公告) King of Spain.

In 1977, regular passenger service between New York and Europe on the supersonic(超音波的) Concorde began on a trial basis.

In 1980, death claimed actress Mae West at her Hollywood residence at age 87 and former House Speaker John W. McCormack in Dedham, Massachusetts, at age 88.

Ten years ago: President Bush, his wife, Barbara, and top congressional leaders shared Thanksgiving dinner with US troops in Saudi Arabia. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, having failed to win re-election of the Conservative Party leadership on the first ballot, announced her resignation.

Five years ago: Acting swiftly to boost the Balkan peace accord, the UN Security Council suspended economic sanctions against Serbia and eased the arms embargo against the states of the former Yugoslavia. The Commerce Department reported the US trade deficit had narrowed to its lowest level in nine months.

One year ago: During a visit to the former communist country of Bulgaria, President Clinton promised tens of thousands of cheering Bulgarians in Sofia that "you too shall overcome" in their difficult struggle for democracy and prosperity(繁荣,兴旺).

