
speak ill of somebody 说某人坏话

分类: 趣味英语 
Don’t speak ill of her Eve:I really can’t stand being around lvy. Adam:I know exactly what you mean.She talks too much and always needs to be the center of attention. Stacy:Hey,you two.Don’t speak ill of lvy.Especially when she’s not here to defend herself. Adam:Stacy,don’t tell me you like her. Eve:You told me before that the sound of her voice makes your blood run cold. Stacy:That was before I was stabbed in the back.Now.1 won’t say anything that I wouldn’t say to someone’s face. Eve:Well,maybe we are being too hard on lvy. speak ill of somebody 说某人坏话 ill当形容词时表示“生病的”,当副词时,则表示“不利地”:Kelly never speaks ill of anyone even if she doesn’t like him or her.(就算不喜欢别人,凯莉也不会说他们坏话。) defend oneself 某人为自己辨别 defend表示“防御;保卫”如:Since you are a soldier,it is your duty to defend the country.(你是军人,保卫国家是你的职责。)defend若接反身代名词(oneself),则指某人为自己“辩解/辩护”。She defended herself in court and claimed that she was innocent.(她在庭上为自己辩护,声称自己清白。) make one’s blood run cold令人毛骨悚然 make one’s blood run cold是“令人毛骨悚然/背脊发凉”之意,如:Jim:That haunted house really made my blood run cold.Aaron:Come on!It Was fake.(吉姆:那间鬼屋真的把我吓出一身冷汗。)(亚伦:拜托!那都是假的啦。) be stabbed in the back被人中伤 be stabbed in the back翻成白话就是“被人从背面捅了一刀”,引申为“被人中伤/背叛”之意。也常以主动用法stab sb in the back表达,一般译成“暗箭伤人”。

