

分类: 趣味英语 

英语变化迅速,新词不断涌现。今天给大家介绍一个一个单词就是dumped。不过你有没有married,have you ever been dumped?大家能猜到这是什么意思吗?

Dump 书面的意思是扔掉,不过很多人都会用这个词来形容他们的一段恋情结束了——你可能会主动结束这段恋情,把对方甩了,或者反过来你被对方抛弃了。

In British English when you have a boyfriend or girlfriend and they tell you they don't want to be with you anymore. They dump you--or you say--I've been dumped!

Dump的这个用法适用于非正式的场合,而且,这个用法非常流行哦。It's probably the most common way of saying someone didn't want to be with you anymore.

下次,如果有人抛弃了你,那就是 they dump you 或者你被抛弃了,就用 you are dumped。

在杂志和电视节目中我们会经常碰到dump的这个用法。当然啦,在现实生活中希望大家永远不需要使用它。我们仅仅只要了解dump的这个含义就足够了。To dump--to dump someone--or to be dumped.


A: Have you spoken to Kate recently?

B: Yes I have and she's really upset. David dumped her last week.

A: Kate was dumped--no! I thought he really liked her.

A: How are things going with Jake?

B: I don't really like him that much – he's quite boring. I think I might have to dump him. 

