办公室的“技术达人” alpha geek
分类: 趣味英语
自从电脑成了我们工作和生活中的必备工具,电脑技术人员就自然而然地成了众人“追逐”的对象。死机了,中毒了,或是系统不灵光了,都得求“技术大哥”们帮忙,难怪他们都被称为alpha geek呢。
Alpha geek refers to the most technically adept, knowledgeable person in a workgroup or office.
Alpha geek(技术达人)指办公室里技术掌握最多、最娴熟的人。
Those who study apes call the dominant member of the group the 'alpha male.' In the office or workplace, the most technically knowledgeable person often is called the alpha geek.