
家中度假 staycation

分类: 趣味英语 
经济危机了,有些人失业了,有些人减薪了,油价还上涨了。这一切曾经离我们很遥远,但是在过去的这两年,它们恰恰都发生在我们身边。听说“小黄金”的时候好些人都选择了市内旅游,甚至有人干脆就在家待着,度过一个安静又不拥挤的staycation。A staycation (or stay-cation, or stacation) is a neologism for a period of time in which an individual or family stays at home and relaxes at home or takes day trips from their home to area attractions. Staycations have achieved high popularity in the financial crisis of 2007–2009 in which unemployment levels and gas prices are high.Staycation(家中度假,还可以拼为stay-cation或stacation)是2007年到2009年经济危机期间失业率和油价不断攀升的情况下迅速走红的一个词,指一个人或一家人待在家里休息或者在附近区域景点游览度假的一段时光。Common activities of a staycation include use of the backyard pool, visits to local parks and museums, and attendance at local festivals. Some staycationers also like to follow a set of rules, such as setting a start and end date, planning ahead, and avoiding routine, with the goal of creating the feel of a traditional vacation.家中度假时通常会有的活动包括:在后院的游泳池游泳、游览当地的公园和博物馆,还有参与当地一些节日活动。有些在家度假的人还喜欢遵循一定的原则,比如定好假期起止日期、提前做计划、避免安排常规活动等,以期创造一个传统假期的氛围。

