
fauxductivity 装忙

分类: 趣味英语 
Fauxductivity, faux + productivity, means pretending to work hard, or busyness that consists of trivial or unproductive activities. Fauxductivity,即faux(假的)和productivity(生产力),指假装很努力工作或很忙碌的样子,其实都是在做一些微不足道或没什么成效的事情。我们称为“装忙”。 Sitting at a desk tapping away at keys all day looks productive. Of course, when that tapping is just chatting with friends, it isn’t really productive, but no one else knows that. This is one form of fauxductivity. (Source: Word Spy) 坐在桌边整天敲击着键盘,看上去做了很多工作的样子。当然,如果敲击键盘是在跟朋友聊天的话自然就不是在工作了,但别人并不知道。这就是“装忙”的一种。 For example: I took a few lessons from Jim in fauxductivity. Now every time I leave my cube I carry important looking papers. 我跟吉姆学了几招“装忙”的策略。现在,我每次离开隔间的时候都会随身带一些看上去很重要的文件。

