

分类: 影视英语 

Thousands of German Harry Potter fans who could not wait for the latest JK Rowling epic to be published in their own language have translated the book in less than two days.

The "hobby translators" were too impatient to wait the 77 days required by German translator Klaus Fritz to complete the task and logged on to Harry-auf-Deutsch.de to finish the job in 45 hours.

To avoid any legal threats, the fans have pledged not to distribute their efforts to any third parties.

The "Harry in German" internet club is plastered with messages from members praising the idea. One member, Starlight, said: "My best friend thought translating some HP would be a good way to practise my English." But it is not only students who have contributed to the patchwork translation. A 50-year-old mechanic said he took part to "prevent the brain from rusting".

Carlsen publishing house, however, is not amused. Spokeswoman Katrin Hogrebe told German news portal Netzeitung: "We would not cast judgment if we were talking about a group of people translating together in their kitchen." She added that any violation of copyright laws would be legally acted upon.





该俱乐部网站上满是成员们对大家齐心协力翻译出《哈利-波特6》大加褒扬的留言。一位名叫星光的网友表示:“我的朋友认为,翻译几段《哈利-波特》不失为练习英语的一种好办法。” 参与此次集体翻译活动的不仅仅有年轻的学生,一位现年50岁的机械师也加入了其中,并声称他参与的目的是为了“不使自己的大脑生锈”。


