
谍海计中计 下集-11

分类: 影视英语 
501Layla, I didn't wash outof the farm.502I'm the N-O-C.I'm the NOC.503No, Zack was.Zack was the NOC.504No, this is a sanctionedmission. I received...505James.506...orders from my control.507No.508Layla, go.Get out of here.509James, please, just...just listen to me, okay?510Just keep the gun on me.511Just keep it on there, okay?512And give me your free hand.513Just give it to me, please.514Okay?Just feel my pulse, okay?515Look at my pupils.See if I'm lying.516Now, listen,I am not a double.517I work for the CIA.Zack works for the CIA.518We are onan agency-sanctioned mission.519James...520Go.521Run far away.Disappear, Layla.522Disappear, Layla!523No! [Sniffles]James!524[Door closes]525[Engine revs]526[Beeping]527[Tires screech]528[Keys clicking]529[Beeps]530[Cellphone beeps]531[Cellphone rings, beeps]532- Hello?- Layla?533Listen to me... the program youstole from Langley, it is real.534- No, it can't be real.- Listen to me.535This is what I do...programs, code.536James, where are you?537It doesn't matter.538It doesn't matter.539I think we started lyingto each other540almost as soon as we met,so, uh...541[Sighs]542...so there's no real reasonto believe any of it was true.543[Sniffs]544But I'm gonna anyway, okay?545- Time's up.- James...546- [Beeping]- James!547[Sniffs]548[Beeps]549[Engine turns over]550- All right.- Jeez!

