

分类: 趣味英语 


Photobombing isn't just the province of human practical jokers, it seems.

These pictures show how our furry friends are just as likely to leap in the frame of a well-composed photograph.

And it seems Mail Online readers' pets are certainly not camera shy either.

Get out of my way: Emily Dow's picture of her two tortoises's is interrupted by her pet dog

Stealing focus: Elaine McCarthy's grey cat seems unaware that his pal is ruining his close up

Fighting for attention: Only one of Jakki Antrobus's black Labradors seems bothered about the picture

Not camera shy: Patrick Vincent Ha-Won's picture in Madagascar is sabotaged by the angry lemur

Dozens of readers have sent in their hilarious pictures of pets refusing to share the limelight.

The expressions on some of these pets' face suggests they know exactly what they are doing.

In one image sent in by Mail Online reader Jakki Antrobus, a black Labrador seems desperate to pull focus from his doggy companion, while in another Claire Burn's dog Peggy pushes in front of the camera in a bid to block fellow pet Betty.

It seems dogs across the country are desperate to get their image taken.

Hopping mad: Julie Fowler's pet rabbit Smokey Joe ensures he is in the picture at any cost

Scene stealer: Claire Burn's dog Peggy pushes her other pet Betty into the background

You're in my light: Drew Myers said the grey cat 'was not impressed' that the dog was getting the attention

Three's a crowd: Two kittens protect their place in front of the camera while a third peeps from behind

Seeking the limelight: Lauren Nicole Archer's pet Ruby Rigby pulls focus in the countryside picture, left, and Jessica Blencowe's four-year-old Labrador Charlie photobombed one-year-old Alfie, right 

Lauren Nicole Archer's pet Ruby Rigby pulled focus as she tried to take a picture of the countryside.

Elsewhere Jessica Blencowe's four-year-old Labrador Charlie photo-bombed one-year-old Alfie.

One highlight includes rabbit Smokey Joe, who was so desperate to be pictured that he hopped in front of the camera.

An angry lemur proved that it was not camera shy when it sabotaged Patrick Vincent Ha-Won's picture during a holiday to Madagascar.

Gormless: This enthusiastic hound's wide eyed stare seems to say 'why don't you want to photograph me?'

Proud: But this moggie's moment has been ruined by the dog behind, who's stolen the limelight... and the focus

Soon: This cat looks like he's planning something more malevolent than a mere photobomb

Respect your elders: Cute or no, this dog won't let his kitten compatriot get all the attention

Photobombing, the act of inserting oneself into the frame of a photograph to play a practical joke on the photographer or his subjects, began its rise to mainstream popularity in 2008.

It is really a product of the age of disposable, digital photography since, in the age of 35mm film, invading a person's limited number of shots was at best unfortunate and, at worst, highly rude.

These days however, with snap-happy cameraphone-toting photographers a dime a dozen, there is no guilt to be attached to invading someone else's photo.

It's this act of deliberate sabotage that is the source of photobombing humour.

The funniest examples are always those where the interloper successfully deflates an affected air of self-importance that many assume as they're getting ready for their close up.

Hear me roar: The black cat obviously wants to make sure that he's noticed

Get out of the picture! Could this tortoiseshell cat give the cheerful interloper in this image a more evil look?

Oh! Sorry... The unaware expression on this dog's face suggests he doesn't realise he's wandered into a shoot

She's sleeping, play with meeeee! This adorable doggy's wide-eyed stare says it's time for walkies

Just a little closer: A fierce feline looks as if it's waiting to pounce on this doggy posing for his picture

Cat's eyes: These photobombing felines have a menacing air, lurking behind the household dogs

Lol: This laughing dog has left his cat companion quite plainly unamused with his photographic sabotage

Trying to go unnoticed? This dog could be trying to hide, but his curiosity's got the better of him

Little dog, little dog. Let me in, let me in: Or maybe think twice, since this moggie's got that malevolent look

The moggie proudly posing with a thoughtful stare into the distance, for example, is taken down a peg or two by his canine chum rolling in some unspeakable on the grass behind.

Another dog ruins his feline friend's photo by popping right at the moment of shutter release and gawking at the camera with a wide-eyed, gormless grimace.

The cats get their own back, though, in their own understated style.

Rather than bursting into the frame with a dunderheaded doggy demeanour, they are more likely to peer in from the corner or background with a typically feline, ambiguous stare - as if to say, 'soon...'

He's behind you! This alert dog knows something untoward is happening, he just doesn't know where

The darkness is MY domain... A cat stares in from the night behind this scruffy pooch, who's safe at home

Curiosity killed the cat: But this pair can't help peering over to see what all the fuss is about

