27. Money, Real and Counterfeit(真币和伪币)1. Without looking, tell me whose picture is on a one dollar bill. What about a five dollar bill? If you know th...
26. Hints to Improve Spoken English(提高英语口语须知)1. Speaking English fluently and accurately is a goal of many people studying English in China. Fluency c...
25.TropicalFish(热带鱼) 1.AsmallboylayflatonhisstomachintheroyalgardenoftheKingofHawaii.Lookingintothewaterandveryexcited,youngAustinStrongsawshapesofdou...
1.abide by (=be faithful to; obey) 忠于;遵守 2.be absent from…… 缺席,不在3.absence or mind (=being absent-minded) 心不在焉4.absorb (=take up the attention of) 吸引…...
下面是一些具有代表性问题的问答:问:其实我每次都很想像老师说得去多读,但却总是读不懂,慢慢的就没有兴趣了,怎么办? 回答:其实这是很多同学中存在的一个问题。这需要从你去阅读文章的目的谈起。如果你是为了积累单词、句型去读,那读不懂还情有可原。因为这样你需要先去掌握这些对你来说陌生的词、句。但如果你是带...
4. hqedu02481: 老师:我是卫生类c级的, 刚听你的讲课,能不能按照书上的内容翻译一遍,因为我听考过的人说大部分考试内容是书上的,我因为英语基础不好,书上的内容都要查字典,所以时间上来不及。我们这边的辅导班也是帮书上的内容翻译一遍。...
3.HQMF102144:老师,您好! 课堂练习中阅读理解有10篇文章:Bus travel now and thenWhy not eat breakfast Giving up smoking Electronic Mail Us Black Hard-hit by cancerTOO litt...