PASSAGE 8American SportsThe United States is a sports-loving nation. Sports in America take a variety of forms; organized competitive struggles, which...
PASSAGE 4The SeaWhat do you know about the sea? We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it. We also know that it can be very roug...
PASSAGE 1TV Game ShowsOne of the most fascinating things about television is the size of the audience. A novel can be on the “best seller“ lists with ...
PASSAGE 20Singing Alarms Could Save the BlindIf you cannot see, you may not be able to find your way out of a burning building-and that could be fatal...
PASSAGE 22Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationBefore 1933, and particularly during the period 1929-33, bank failures were not uncommon. _1_ a bank ov...
PASSAGE 17The American FamilyIn the American family the husband and wife usually share important decision making. When the children are old enough, th...
PASSAGE 15Racial PrejudiceIn some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has been taken for granted as a means of solving differences; an...
PASSAGE 13The Central Problem of EconomicsThe central problem of economics is to satisfy the people's and nation's wants.The problem we are fa...
PASSAGE 11The Great Newspaper WarUp until about 100 years ago, newspapers in the United States appealed only to the most serious readers. They used __...
燃料燃烧,产生火焰的装置 热料提升机hotaggregateelevator 将烘干后的石料提升到筛分机上的输送装置 热料筛分机hotaggregatescreen 将烘干后的混合集料再次分成几种不同规格集料的装置 热料储仓hotaggregatesilo 将筛分后的集料按规格分别储存的料仓 计量系...