出版社图书名称作者出版单位图书特色配套音像资料外语教学与研究出版社28天托业功略若林由起子(日)朗文公司15个单元,听力和阅读分步训练,包括情景模拟、文化背景、高分点津和词汇自测等内容。磁带3 盘托业全真模拟题拉菲德(美)四套全真模拟试题,可用于考生冲刺阶段进行模拟训练。磁带3 盘托业考试技巧点津理...
A text a day... The medical uses of mobile phones show they can be good for your health WHAT impact can mobile phones have on their users' health?...
Small country, big example Still an unusual success for democracy—★fingers crossed[1] ON March 5th, Benin went to the polls for the fourth presidentia...
Show me the money 给我钱! May 4th 2006 | NEW YORK From The Economist print edition (1)THE words “probate exception” do not titillate[1]. And yet a saucy[...
①s______(adj. rising or falling at a sharp angle) ②m______(v. to crush grain, pepper, etc into flour) ③m_______(adj. not very strong or hot-tasting) ④...
a worldwide slump 3 especially American English a period when a player or team does not play well(运动员及队伍)状态低迷期 in a slump The Dodgers have been in a s...
Fair enough(还算公道) MAKING good coffee is not a simple business. Coffee bushes must be grown in shade—neither too much, nor too little. A hillside is be...
Paraguay has failed to turn this charity into a development partnership. In 1990, the average Taiwanese was three times better off than the average Pa...
与此同时,中国越来越势不可挡。(“loom large”是指“to seem important, worrying, and difficult to avoid”,意思是“似乎很重要,令人焦虑,而且不可避免”)去年,中国占巴拉圭进口总额的四分之一,仅次于巴西。中国还收购了该国一多半的大豆作物。巴...