3. 历年TOEFL口语语汇 TOEFL听力中所使用的语言是非常口语化的,有些甚至是俚语化的。这些主要放在短对话中考核。正如上文提到的,中国学生在这方面普遍很薄弱,所以在课堂上就需要对历年试题进行大量的分析总结,同时还要结合自身复习时的强化记忆,惟有如此才能应对灵活多变的试题。这个工作量肯定很大,但...
-asas as cool as a cucumber, as fit as fiddle, as healthy as horse, as poor as a church mouse, as strong as an ox, as like as two peas(长得象),peas and c...
-在某方面擅长:know the stuff/ropes/tricks/one's beans -逐步地:gradually, step by step, bit by bit, little by little, inch by inch , piece by piece, line by...
lose his cool失去冷静 cool off 冷静,天气变冷 play it cool 冷静 不介意:not at all, not a bit/little, not in the slightest, not in the least -不愿让人做某事:make sb uncomfort...
1、论文 -题目难定(太大)too broad a topic -资料难查(太多)too much material to cover -多找教授(时间) -打字困难(机房)机少人多,想买机 2、笔记 -考笔记be based on the lecture/notes -字难认make out/re...
特色场景-女尊男卑 1、男生宿舍总是脏(女生脏,因为学习) mess, a real dump/mess, messed up, messy,乱七八槽at sixs and sevens, chas, chaotic I haven't done much cleaning recently...
1、找房 -抱怨:dormitory①太小太脏②太吵③管的太严;apartment①东西老坏②室友难处neat, considerate. -找房难,不愿搬,抱怨多,怕涨价,减装修 -房东landlord,租户tenant 2、噪音 -室内:调音turn down,隔音sound proof,没意识...
jump on sb 向某人乱发脾气 jump the battery 充电 jumping the gun 迫不及待 just a minute 等一等;就来了;且慢 just as well 不如做某事也可 Just as you say. 好吧,随你的便 just follow suit 照办...
in the pen 被困在监狱里 in the pink 精神或身体状态好 in the roar 轰笑着 in the soap 遇到麻烦 in turn 进而 in(on) behalf of 代表 ineligible for, be 不被录取的 inferiority complex 自卑...