Unit 7 cab n.v.计乘车;驾驶室;自修书 [abbr. of CABRIOLET]cabal n.派系;阴谋 [cabalemedL cabala, CABBALA 犹太教的神秘哲学 秘法,秘教]cache n.隐藏所 [cacher to hide]cachet n.封印 [cache...
bugle n.喇叭bulb n.球茎;灯泡 [ bulbus bolbos onion bulbous 球根的;球根状的]bulge n.桶腰凸出部份;膨胀 [ boulge, bouge bulga: BUDGET]bulk n.大小;容积;船舱 [sense 'cargo'OI...
brim n.(杯、碗的)边 [ brimme brimful盈满的]brindled a.有斑纹的 [earlier brinded, brended brend, perh of Scand orig]brink n.边缘(峭壁等的);水际brisk a.活泼的 [prob brusque BR...
bouquet n.花束;香味;(酒等)芳香 [ dial var of OF bos, bois wood]bourgeois n.中产阶级的人 [ BURGESS 市民;议员]bourn n.小河;目标;界限 [ borne bodne BOUND]bout n.一阵;一回;一次 [16th c...
Unit 6 blush v.害羞;脸红 [blyscan]bluster v.狂吹;咆哮 [16th c.: ult. imit.]bode v.预示 [ bodian boda messenger送信的人,信差,报信者]bog n.沼泽;泥塘boggle v.n.惊跳;畏缩不前 [prob di...
blare v.响声 [ blaren, bleren, imit]blarney n.恭维话 [Blarney, an Irish castle near Cork with a stone said toconfer a cajoling tongue on whoever kisses it]...
beware v.注意;小心;警戒 [Beware of pickpockets. 谨防扒手 WARE小心;器具;货物]bewilder v.使为难,使不知所措 [wilder lose one's way]bewitch v.迷惑;陶醉 [wiccian enchant wicca WI...
belligerent a.交战的 [belligerare wage war bellum war+gerere wage]bellow v.吼叫声;咆哮 [ perh. rel. to BELL]belly n.腹;胃;食欲;鼓胀 [belig (orig. = bag) ]belongings...
Unit 5 bathos n.比小法;平凡而陈腐风格 [ depth]baton n.警棒;指挥棒;接力棒 [baston bastum stick]bats a.神经不正常的;怪异的 [phr. (have) bats in the belfry: BAT]batten v.长肥 [batna ...
barbaric a.未开化的,野蛮作风的 [ barbaricus barbaros foreign]barbarous a.野蛮的;异国语的 [orig of any foreign language or people: barbaros]foreign babarity[蛮行,残忍,粗野]b...