Passage Eighteen (The Military Is In)Things have really changed. Not only is the military standing tall again, it is staging a remarkable comeback in ...
11. underscore 在下面划线,强调12. point up 加强,强调13. bluechip 兰筹股票14. blue-chip 兰筹的15. outperform 在使用上胜过16. overprice 将标价过高17. numerical ratio 数率,数字比率18. earn...
Passage Seventeen (A Strong Stock Market)The increase in the margin rate from 50% to 70% was not an attempt to stem any rampant speculation on the par...
Vocabulary1. bizarre 奇怪的2. vandalism 破坏,故意破坏文化,艺术的行为3. cripple 使瘫痪,削弱4. fence 贼市,脏品买卖处5. neutralize 使成为无效6. affluent 富裕的7. recordkeeping 记录存贮8. havoc ...
Passage Sixteen (Crime in Computer)New and bizarre crimes have come into being with the advent of computer technology. Organized crime to has been dir...
11. intrigue 使着迷,密谋,用诡计取得12. stereotype 固定不变的,陈规旧习的13. attest 证明,证实,表明14. chauvinist 沙文主义者,男子至上主义这15. moderation (政治,宗教上)稳健中庸,缓和16. fulfillment 臻于完善,发...
Passage Fifteen (The Second Wave of Feminism)The statistics I’ve cited and the living examples are all too familiar to you. But what may not be ...
难句译注1.This sometimes means that there is an allocation of funds available for the purpose of mounting the production, though unfortunately this will u...
Passage Fourteen (Pageants)Pageants are usually conceived on a fairly large scale, often under the auspices of some local or civic authority or at any...
Vocabulary1. cryptic 隐藏的,保护的cryptic coloring 保护色,隐藏色2. predaceous 食肉的,捕食其他动物的。3. vertebrate 脊椎动物门4. tint 色泽,色彩5. zebra 斑马6. Sargasso 果本马尾藻7. twig 嫩枝8....