Focus: Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension is the only question type that appears on all major standardized tests, and the reason isn't to...
Focus: Logical Reasoning Logical Reasoning is half of your score on the LSAT - and this is good news. 实际上逻辑推理是你稳拿一半分数的部分... Why? Because you already h...
写作实例显示了法学院的好处,当你在辨论中压倒了对手,你就得到了这个位置。文章是不分等级的,但它会和你的最后分数一起寄到法学院。写作实例在考试的最后一天进行。你将得到两个可能的行动计划,你必须在30分钟内写出一个较好的案例报告。 从来没有过的容易 对参加最后测试的人公开350道题目并在将来的考试中循环...
The following LSAT tips are presented by Thomas O. White, the author of Peterson's LSAT Success. White is former president of Law School Admission...
逻辑推理题主要考查以下推理能力: 1)进行论证的能力 2)评价论述的能力 3)形成或评价行动方案的能力 按照美国ETS命题人员的说法,逻辑推理题主要考查考生在以下三个方面能否进行有效推理的能力。 一、论点构建(Argument construction) 这一方面产问题主要让你去识别或找到: (一)...
写作时应注意的问题 写作部分时间为 30 分种,其内容是,就给定的题目中的两种观点选择一个,并加以阐述。 写作部分不计人总分,只作为参考。写作时应注意以下问题: (]) 选择一种观点。在两种观点中选定一种,围绕这种观点展开论述。 (2) 阐述观点时,既要陈述支持所选择观点的理由,也要陈述反对另一种观...
1、考试的时候不要想你能得多少分,不要想后面试题的内容,集中全部的精力在你面前的每一道试题上。记住一次只注意一道题。 2、现在花几分钟去回想一下你准备考试的过程,想一想你比以前提高了多少,这会使你建立起自信心。你的态度和表现对你考试当天的成绩起着决定性的作用。 3、在做逻辑推理和阅读理解部分时,要先...
"What education fails to teach us is to see the human community as one.Rather than focus on the unique differences that separate one nation froma...
"What is the final objective of business? It is to make the obtaining of aliving- the obtaining of food, clothing, shelter, and a minimum of luxu...
"Everywhere, it seems, there are clear and positive signs that people arebecoming more respectful of one another's differences. "In your...