18. In the past decade, a decreasing percentage of money spent on treating disease X went to pay for standard methods of treatment, which are known to...
10. There are rumors that the Premier will reshuffle the cabinet this week. However, every previous reshuffle that the Premier has made was preceded b...
Time—35 minutes 24 Questions Directions: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. For...
Question12-17 Sixpeople-Julio,Kevin,May,Norma,Olivia,andTamio-participateina trackmeet.Twoofthementerthemarathon,twoentertherelay,andtwoenter thesprin...
Time-35minutes 23Questions Questoins1-6 Amanbuysthreeoutfits-X,Y,andZ-eachofwhichconsistsoftwoarticles ofclothing. Eachofthearticlesofclothingiseither...
Questions12-17 Anattorneyisschedulinginterviewswithwitnessesforagivenweek. MondaythroughSaturday.Twofullconsecutivedaysoftheweekmustbereserved forinte...
Time-35minutes 24Questions Questions1-6 Sevenstudents-fourth-yearstudentsKimandLee;third-yearstudentsPat andRobin:andsecond-yearstudentsSandy,TetyandV...
Questions 18-24During a four-week period, cach of seven previously unadvertised products-G, H, J, K, L,M, and O-will be advertised. A different pair o...
Time-35 minutes 24 QuestionsQuestions 1-6Seven students-fourth-year students Kim and Lee; third-year students Pat and Robin: and second-year students ...
Questions18-23 Ninedifferenttreatmentsareavailableforacertainillness:three antibioties—F,G,andH—threedietaryregimens—M,NandO—a...