“If the primary duty and concern of a corporation is to make money, then conflict is inevitable when the corporation must also acknowledge a duly to s...
“In some countries, television and radio programs are carefully censored for offensive language and behavior. In other countries, there is little or n...
A few points to bear in mind:??Drop a coin and choose whichever side the coin suggests??Dont keep pondering over it. You dont have the time to ponder,...
English writing textbook??I would urge the English Department to change its English composition textbook from The Standard Textbook of English to The ...
The English department at a university must choose a text for its first-year composition course. Write an argument in favor of selection either of the...
LSAT阅读理解部分包括4篇文章,其中每篇文章大约为400-600个单词。有6-8个问题,4篇文章共有28个问题。一般来讲,阅读理解问题的类型有以下几种:1、有关中心思想(Mind Idea)的问题。这类问题主要涉及贯穿全文的主旨。2、有关作者态度(Tone)的问题。这类问题主要涉及作者在文中的态度...
英文基础比较扎实,GMAT分数还过得去,对LSAT现在还没有什么概念 现在在一家consultingfirm,全职,所以准备考试初步考虑是每天早上起来1-2h和晚上8-9下班坚持3-4h,一天中间最多还能抽出1h的零碎时间,周末不加班的话看一整天。 想请大家帮我判断一下,现在开始这样复习的话05年内...
Q: 2005-2007考试具体安排 A: 大陆现在只有两次考试:六月和十二月。其他的要去香港。 LSAT考试的注册费用是$90 国内考点:北大 2005-2006 LSAT Dates (IMPORTANT: Registration for these dates will not begin ...
Q: 请问所谓的Kaplan内部教材好吗?不知道好不好,特别是logical reasoning. 另外请问logical reasoning 系统的看国外逻辑推理大学教材有用吗?XDF的老师说logical reasoning是凭感觉做题的,是天生的。大家意见如何?好像美国大学有专门给非逻辑专业开...
Q:大家帮我判断一下准备LSAT 需要多久啊 英文基础比较扎实,GMAT分数还过得去,对LSAT现在还没有什么概念 现在在一家consulting firm, 全职,所以准备考试初步考虑是每天早上起来1-2h和晚上8-9下班坚持3-4h,一天中间最多还能抽出1h的零碎时 间,周末不加班的话看一整天。...