Time—35 minutes 27 QuestionsDirections: Each passage in this section is followed by a group of questions to be answered on the basis of what is stated...
Time—35 minutes24 QuestionsDirections: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions it ...
Time—35 minutes24 QuestionsDirections: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. For some qu...
Time—35 minutes 26 QuestionsDirections: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. For some q...
TEST 1SECTION ITime 35 minutes 25 QuestionsDirections: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passa...
SECTION IVTime 35 minutes 26 QuestionsDirections: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages.....
TEST 2SECTION IITime 35 minutes 24 QuestionsDirections: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or pass...
SECTION IVTime 35 minutes 25 QuestionsDirections: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages.1...