Two sides of an argumentGive the other side's opinion, and then give YOUR opinionGive the other sideSome people think that Although many people fe...
Does television play a positive or negative role in the modern world? Arguments1. Television is now playing a very important part in our lives.2. Tele...
Counter-arguments1. Television is a great time-waster.2. Television makes the viewer completely passive because everything is presented to him without...
英语写作能力是一种综合英语能力,它不仅考作者所掌握的语言知识,使用外语的熟练程度,同时还考个人的思维能力和知识面,因此外语写作对于大多数人而言,都是件头痛的事情。但这并非说外语写作高不可攀,一样有捷径可循.1. 增大阅读量古语道:读书破万卷,下笔如有神”.写作是语言产生的过程,没有足够的...
万事开头难,写雅思作文也不例外,以下就教你一些写好雅思作文首段的小技巧。要素之一: Restatement of the Topic (大作文的题目都会给出相关情景或话题,在首段中应先对题目中的情景或话题进行展开。)方法一:改写。即按照题目所给的内容,用不同的表达方法重新写一遍,千万不能抄袭。但改一...
l 分析原因找解决办法 It is an inescapable fact that ---------(主语从句), which not only annoys individuals, but also infatuates the nation(society) as a whole. The...
Report: 当我们坐在考场时遇到这样的题目:It is said that people’s life now is becoming more and more stressful. What are the causes and how to solve it? 或者遇到这样的字...
下面这篇在2004年考过两次,内容比较难写,很多考生都构思不出内容,因此,我请我的美国朋友按照雅思作文的套路写了篇范文,大家可以学习一下里面的语言和内容。Unlike most countries, the police in the United Kingdom do not normally c...
A类第一套分析(一)小作文WRITING TASK 1题目You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and w...