acquiesce v.勉强同意,默认 to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively intransigent:acquiesce::eferentialffend acquiesce:yield::capitulate :categorical...
abhorrence : dislike :: adoration : fondness adulate : fawn :: woo : adore apprehension : terror :: affection : adoration fascination : interest :: ad...
affluent <> needy impecunious <> wealthy / prosperous / affluent penury<> affluence indigent <>affluent agenda n.议程 a list or ...
removed or distant either physically or emotionally politic : offend :: aloof : associate gregarious <> aloof alphabetical a.字母(表)的,ABC的 arrange...
Analysis of Argument Questions 1. 下面摘自一家冷冻食品处理商(processor)奥林匹克食品提交给股东的年报:随着时间流逝,由于机构了解了做好事情的方法进而提高了效率,处理的成本会降低。比如在彩色胶卷处理方面,3/5英寸照片的成本从1970年的5天50cent降至...
6分作文: The argument that this warning system will virtually solve the problem of midair plane collisions omits some important concerns that be addresse...
The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum: On average, 9 out of every 1000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines in 1993 f...
In conclusion, the arguer fails to demonstrate that a review of the baggage- handling procedures at Avia Airlines is not needed to maintain or increas...
四、Argument开头段模式训练 .写作的开头尤其重要 .事先准备一个开头模式 .进行适当调整 .已经提出的模式: 第一段(4句话): 第一句归纳原论证结论(In this argument, the arguer concludes that) 第二句话指出原论证一个方面的论据(To suppo...