avid eager, greedyballoon swell out like balloonbalm sweet-smelling oil; smth giving peace of mind; consolationbanal uninterestingband flat, thin stri...
coax get smb to do smth by kindnesscoddle treat with care and tendernesscoerce compel, to force to make obedientcogent strong, convincingcogitate thin...
concur agree in opinion, happen togethercondense increase in density, strength, make laconiccongeal make or become stiff and solidconnoisseur a person...
disparate essentially differentdissemble speak or behave so as to hide smth (in mind)dissent have a different opinion, refuse to assentdissipation goi...
exoneration set smb slear, free (eg. from blame)exorbitant much too high or greatextant still in existenceextinct no longer activeextirpate destroy ut...
fragrant sweet-smellingfret worry; irritation; wear awayfriction the rubbing of one thing against another, difference of opinionfringe edge; ornamenta...
grovel crawl, humble oneselfguile deceit, cunninggull cheat, decievegullible easilyhallow make holy, regard as holyhamper basket with a lid, prevent f...
intransigent uncompromising...
nonplussed greatly surprisednoxious harmfulnumb without ability to feel or movenumbness without ability to move a fingerobdurate stubborn, impenitento...
plummet fall, plunge, steeplyplunge move quickly, suddenly and with forcepoise be ready, be balanced, self-possessionponderous heavy, bulky, dullpostu...