Passage 42Modern manufacturers, who need reliable sources of materials and technologically advancedcomponents to operate profitably, face an increasin...
Passage 43Homeostasis, an animal’s maintenance of certain internal variables within an acceptable range,particularly in extreme physical environ...
Passage 44In the seventeenth-century Florentine textile industry, women were employed primarily inlow-paying, low-skill jobs. To explain this segregat...
Passage 45Maps made by non-Native Americans to depict Native American land tenure, resources andpopulation distributions appeared almost as early as E...
Passage 46(This passage was written in 1984.)It is now possible to hear a recording of Caruso’s singing that is far superior to any made duringh...
Passage 47The function of capital markets is to facilitate an exchange of funds among all participants, andyet in practice we find that certain partic...
Passage 48(The following is based on material written in 1996.)The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, signed in 1987 by mor...
【常用词汇】 可以看看BUSINESS WEEK和TIME的新闻和专题文章测试一下,没有的话《英语世界》里的文章也可。如果除了专业术语和俚语之外,基本可以读懂文章大意的话,词汇量应该就够了。考前需要熟悉一些关键的词语(词组)的用法,比如连词(转折,递进,并列,假设等等),以及整体问题(问文章大...
GMAT考试是由美国经企管理专业研究入学考试委员会(GMAC)发起的。GMAC委员会由75所经济、商业、财政和管理研究生院派人参加,代表着美国几乎所有财经、商业和管理院校,因此GMAT是帮助各研究生院评价考生在管理科学方面入学资格的最权威考试。 由于GMAT试题设计较为科学合理,可以较真实地反映应...
GMAT是申请进入北美商学院的必要条件,一个好的GMAT分数无疑就是一块强有力的敲门砖。一般来讲,对于TOP20(排名前20名)的商学院,有700分就差不多了。 现在中国地区的GMAT已经全部采用机考形式,考试时间三个半小时,可要算上登记注册及中间休息时间,那可就要早上8:00进去,下午1:00才能...