(1) ABC is the base word.(2) If C immediately follows B, then C can be moved to the front of the codeword to generate another word.From (1), we cannot...
2. What is the perimeter of triangle ABC above?(1) The ratio of DE to BF is 1: 3.(2) D and E are midpoints of sides AB and CB, respectively.Since we d...
Algebra & arithmetic terms:Absolute value 绝对值Add (addition) 加Average value 算术平均值Algebra 代数Algebraic expression 代数式Arithmetic mean 算术平均值Arithmetic ...
Equation of the first degree 一次方程Endpoint 端点Estimation 近似Factor 因子Factorable quadratic equation 可因式分解的二次方程Incomplete quadratic equation 不完全二次方程Factori...
Polynomial 多项式Power 乘方Product 积Proper fraction 真分数Proportion 比例Permutation 排列Proper subset 真子集Prime factor 质因子Progression 数列Quadrant 象限Quadratic equat...
Frequency distribution 频率分布Domain 定义域Bar graph 柱图Geometry terms:Angle bisector 角平分线Adjacent angle 邻角Alternate angel 内错角Acute angle 锐角Obtuse angle 钝角Bi...
Minor axis 短轴Origin 原点Oblique 斜三角形Plane geometry 平面几何Oblateness (ellipse) 椭圆Parallelogram 平行四边形Parallel lines 平行线Perpendicular 垂直的Pythagorean theorem ...
常见数学疑难几经解答思路 (1)前言: 常看到不同的朋友问同样的问题,为帮助大家提高复习准备效率,我特收集整理了一些常见的数学疑难几经并给出解答思路,希望对大家有所帮助。也欢迎各位提供你觉得典型并有困难的题目大家一同讨论,我会不定期地整理公开。 说明:关于解题思路我借鉴学习了众多高手的经验、指点,在...
Sharpen Your Math SkillsWhether you're thinking of a career as an accountant or just trying to balance your checkbook, you face math in some way, ...
306. 兩個盒子。一個盒子內有30顆紫色彈珠、20顆黃色彈珠,另一各盒子內有15顆紫色、35顆黃色。現在先選盒子, 再從選定的盒子抽出一顆彈珠,問抽到紫色彈珠的機率。同本月JJ第2题解:1/2×30/50+1/2×15/50=9/20请大家进一步讨论!307. 老JJ:退休...