diagnostic instrument for eyes 眼科检查诊断器械diagnostic instrument 诊断仪器diagnostic machine 诊断机diagnostic memory 诊断存储器diagnostic set for fivesenses 五官科检查器械dia...
diaminotoluene 二氨基甲苯diammonium hydrogen arsenate 砷酸氢二铵diammonium hydrogen citrate 柠檬酸氢二铵diammonium hydrogen phosphate 磷酸氢二铵diammonium phosphate 磷酸二铵di...
diaphanoscope 透照器diaphanous tabbies 薄丝织物Diaphene 溴胺杀diaphonic paper 薄彩色纸diaphoretic for the treatment of colds and influenza 发汗解表药diaphoretic 发汗药diaph...
dibasic lead phosphite 二盐基亚磷酸铅dibastic alcohol 二元醇dibastic sodium phosphate 磷酸氢钠dibazal 地巴唑dibble 点播器dibekacin vial 注射用双去氧卡那霉素Bdibekacin 地贝卡星dibemethi...
dichloromethane 二氯甲烷dichloronaphtalene 二氯萘dichlorophen 双氯酚dichlorophenarsine 二氯苯胂dichlorophene 菌霉净dichlorophenol 二氯苯酚dichloroprene 二氯丁二烯dichloropropan...
derrick mast 扒杆derrick post 吊杆柱derrick substructure 井架底座derrick table 吊杆台derrick tower 起重吊塔derrick truck 吊车derrick type steel tape 架式钢卷尺derrick wagon ...
dessert spoon 甜点心匙dessert whole cashew kernel 糕点用整腰果仁Dessin 敌螨通destarched sweet potato cake 红薯渣饼destarched sweet potato meal 红薯渣粉destaticizer 去静电器dest...
devitrifying solder glass 析晶焊料玻璃devitroceram 玻璃陶瓷Devon long wool 德文郡长羊毛Devonshire 德文郡色织条子斜纹棉布Devrinol 草萘胺devulcanizer 脱硫器dew cell 湿敏元件dew gauge 露点计dew...
di-n-undecyl phthalate 邻苯二甲酸二正十一酯di-o-tolyl-thiourea 二邻甲苯硫脲Di-On 敌草隆di-sec-butyl-phenylphosphonate 苯基磷酸二另丁酯Di-Tac 甲胂钠Di-Trapex 氰土利diabetes pill 玉泉丸dia...
demi-double thickness window glass 中厚窗玻璃demi-lustre yarn 半有光毛纱demi-mousseline 细薄平布或条子布demi-tasse spoon 小咖啡杯匙demi-tasse 小咖啡杯demijohn 小颈大瓶demimini 超超短裙d...