Due Diligence来源:考试大The process of getting sufficient information about a potential customer to determine their investment suitability.尽职调查来源:考试大取得某一潜在...
Initial Public Offering (IPO)来源:考试大The offering of a company’s stock to the public for the first time.首次公开发行股票来源:考试大首次向社会公开发行股票募集资金。来源:考试大Regist...
ZYX is currently trading at 50-1/2 and a ZYX LEAPS call option, with a two-year expiration and a strike price of 50, is trading for a premium of 8 1/2...
Order Placement来源:考试大Giving instructions regarding how and when to buy or sell securities.委托提出何时买入和卖出股票的要求。来源:考试大Market Order来源:考试大An order to buy or ...
Indicator来源:考试大Technical measurement used to try to predict the market’s direction.指标来源:考试大试图预测市场方向的技术手段。Breadth (of the market)来源:考试大Percentage...
Chart来源:考试大A graphic illustration of historical trading activity.图表来源:考试大历史交易情况的图形化显示。来源:考试大Bar Chart来源:考试大 A chart on which each period’s tradi...
Technical Analysis来源:考试大The study of markets and securities based on historic price.技术分析来源:考试大根据证券的历史价值研究市场。来源:考试大Moving Average来源:考试大Price average th...
Fundamental Analysis来源:考试大Analysis of basic financial information of a company in order to predict the future price movements of its stock.基本面分析来源:考试大...
金融专业英语证书考试在各省、自治区、直辖市设立考区,深圳、青岛、大连专设考区。各考区设一到数个考点,各省、自治区、直辖市和专设考区由考试领导小组负责组织和实施本地区的考试。考试领导小组设在中国人民银行各分行、营业管理部、省会(首府)城市中心支行和深圳、青岛、大连中心支行。NO. 单位名称 电话号码 ...