The European Commission ruled Wednesday that Microsoft is still using its powerful market position illegally.The top European Union official for compe...
Foundations are in the news a lot.They support everything from A to Z -- from the arts to zoos.They give away money in the form of grants or provide f...
The Russian oil company, Yukos, continued its legal battle with the Russian government in two-thousand-four. The government reported this year that Yu...
The Social Security system in the United States provides monthly payments to retired people and the disabled. Most of the money comes from a wage tax ...
One out of six Americans receive money from the Social Security system. Monthly payments go to retired workers and disabled people and to their surviv...
Financial news sometimes has words that seem out of place. Take a word like “disgorgement.“ It has a few different uses, but all describe much the sam...
Businesses are structured in different ways to meet different needs. The simplest form of business is called an individual proprietorship. The proprie...
Insurance is a guarantee against financial loss. Insurance policies can be bought for all sorts of things. The most common kinds of insurance include ...
Identity theft has been a subject in the news recently. It is considered one of the top crimes in the United States. The Federal Trade Commission esti...
As we discussed last week, insurance provides financial protection. Property was the first thing that people insured. Insurance can limit the cost to ...