括号1 在引语中插入你自己选用的单词时,该单词使用括号。Incorrect: The professor said that “Frankfurter evolved from liberal to conservative while on the Supreme Court (and) Blac...
冒号1 一句话中在“such as “ “including“ 和 “for example“ 短语后不用冒号。因为这些短语已提示读者接下来会举一些例子,没有必要再用冒号引出例子了,那样只是多此一举。Incorrect: She had all the skills of a great litig...
Compound Adjectives复合形容词1. A compound adjective is formed when two or more adjectives work together to modify the same noun. These terms should be hyp...
Dashes can be used to set off material in the midst of a sentence. However, one should try to avoid using them at all. When choosing between dashes an...
一个老美的遗嘱样本,值得一读:SAMPLE WILL This sample will is included for illustrative purposes only. It would not necessarily be valid in all states.LAST WILL OFRo...
will[name of testator] ([Chinese name]) (Holder of Hong Kong Identity Card No. [HKID No] ) of [Address], [martial status / occupation], hereby revoke ...
(美国)格式The State of( )(州名)County of( )(县名) Know all men by these presents:特此为证:That I, ( ) have employed ( ) as my attorney to present me to prosecute ...
中英文对照:国际工程招标说明书 中英文对照:国际工程招标说明书国际工程招标说明书日期:合同招标一、中华人民共和国从世界银行申请获得贷款,用于支付_____项目的费用。部分贷款将用于支付工程建筑、____等各种合同。所有依世界银行指导原则具有资格的国家,都可参加招标。二、中国__公司(以下简称A公司)...