

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 

VII. 让步状语从句.
让步状语从句通常although(though)(虽然),as(虽然),while(虽然),even if (though)(即使),however(不管怎样),whatever(不管,无论什么),no matter what(how, where, when)不管什么(怎样/哪里/何时),whether…or (不管…还是)等连词引导:
e.g.He will not reveal the secret though (even if )he knows it .
e.g.The galaxy, vast as it is , is only a small island in the endless universe.银河系虽然浩瀚,但在茫茫无际的宇宙中仅是一个小岛而已.
e.g.While this is true of some, it is not true of all.
e.g.We’ll carry our experiment through no matter what obstacles we should have in our way.
e.g.However hard you try, you won’t be able to do it alone.
e.g.Whether you like it or not, you’ll have to do it.

cancer n. 癌;肿瘤;
candidate n. 候选人,投考者;
(B级)capability n. (实际)能力,性能,容量(at full capacity/以全(部)力(量);满功率,满负载; to capacity/达最大限度、满负载); (capability – ability – capacity能力)
capable adj. 有能力的,能干的;有可能的(be capable of/[指人]有……的能力或倾向;[指物]易于); (capable -- able)
capital n. 首都,资本;
captain n. 船长,舰长,机长, (球队的)队长, 指挥者
capture v. 俘获,捕获, 夺取,夺得(奖品等) (capture -catch捕获)
car n. 汽车;小汽车; (= motor car);客车,[铁]车厢;
card n. 纸牌;卡片;
care n. 注意;照料;照顾;喜爱(care for/喜欢;照顾; take care/当心; take care of/照料;关怀;处理; with care/小心; care about/关心;担心; care nothing about/对……漠不关心;对……毫不介意); (care for – like – love –enjoy – be fond of喜欢)
career n.事业;(career woman/职业妇女); (career – profession 职业)
careful adj. 小心的,仔细的(be careful about/注意);
careless adj. 粗心的;疏忽的;
carry v. 携带,运送(carry on/继续; carry out/实现;完成;实行; carry through/帮(某人)渡过难关);
case n. 事;病例;案例;情形;场合(in case/以防;可能;in case of/如果;万一; in any case/无论如何; in most cases/大多数情况下);
cash n. 现金 v. 兑现( to pay (in) cash/现金支付; short of cash/缺钱);
cast v. 投,扔, 【冶金】浇铸,铸造, 撒网(cast – throw投,扔)
casual adj. 随便的;不经意的;临时的;(casual – informal随便的)
cat n. 猫;猫科动物(如猫、虎、狮等) (rain cats and dogs/下倾盆大雨);
catch v. 捕获;赶上(车船等);发觉;感染(疾病);抓住 (catch up with/赶上, catch a cold/感冒; catch attention/引起注意); (catch – grasp – grip – seize抓住)
category n. 类型,部门,种类 (category –kind种类)
cater v. 备办食物;满足(需要);投合(cater for/替(某人)办酒席; cater to/迎合;投合); (cater for – satisfy – meet满足(需要))
cause n. 原因;事业 v. 引起,促成 (cause – bring about引起) (cause –reason原因)
(B级)cautious adj. 谨慎的,小心的 (be cautious of 留意,谨防)(cautious -- careful)
cease v. 停,终止(cease – stop - end)
celebrate v. 举行(仪式);庆祝(胜利等)
cell n.小房间, 【生物学】细胞;【电学】电池
central adj. 中心的,中央的, 重要的,主要的 (central - important)
center n. 中心, 中枢,核心;中心人物 (center – heart – core – middle中心)

(变形于CET -4, 1997, 6)
1. Housewives who do not go out to work feel they are not working to their full ability.
A. capacity B. strength C. length D. possibility
1. A. 分析: ability – capacity – capability 能力
work to one’s full ability/capacity/capability 充分地发挥自己的能力
strength力,力量,体力 (with all one's strength 尽力)
length长度, 程度,范围(at full length充分地)
possibility (= probability 可能性)( The probability is that ... /很可能是…; There is no probability of [that] ... /很难会...)
(变形于CET -4, 1989.1)
2. The newest satellite can send a thousand telephone conversations and a color TV program at the same time.
A. carry B. extend C. bring D. take
2. A. 分析: send – carry输送
extend伸出(手等), 延(期), 扩大,扩展
bring拿来,带来, 产生
take取得;获得, 带去, 接受(礼物等), 听从(忠告), 担负(责任), 耗费(时间等)
carry 搬运,装运, 含有(意义);附带(权利、义务等)

