

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 
3.被动语态出现频繁, 如:
(2002年卫生类B级考题阅读理解:Natural Medicine)
Experts say almost 80% of the people in the world use plants for health care. These natural medicines are used not just because people have no other form of treatment. They are used because people trust them.
(2003年综合类C级考题阅读理解:New Foods and The New World)
According to an Arabic legend, coffee was discovered when a person named Kaldi noticed that his goats were attracted to the red berries on a coffee bush.
Today, in comparison with places like London or Manchester, Norwich is quite small, with
a population of around 150,000.
(2004年卫生类B级考题阅读理解:Global Cancer rates to rise by 50% by 2020)
Once considered a “western” disease, the report highlights that more than 50 percent of the world’s
cancer burden, in terms of both numbers of cases and deaths, already occurs in developing countries. 介词短语结构作状语

1. 仔细阅读全句,抓住句子的主干结构;
2. 找出句子中的所有从属成分,包括从句,短语结构,非谓语动词结构等;
3. 分析从属成分的语法功能,判断它们与句子主干结构之间的相互关系;注意指示代词,插入语等成分的辨认;
(2002年综合类A级阅读理解:Effects of Environmental Pollution)
Perhaps the most commonly experienced aerosol is industrial smog of the
主语 谓语 表语
kind that plagued London in the 1950s and is an even greater problem in Los
定语从句 并列谓语 表语 状语
Angels today.
(2003年综合类A级阅读理解:”Salty rice plant boosts harvest”)
To overcome these problems, Flowers and Yeo decided to breed rice plants that take in
不定式结构作目的状语 主语 谓语 状语
very little salt and store what they do absorb in cells that do not affect the plants’ growth.
定语从句(宾语从句+ 定语从句)
l 英语的基本句型
Ⅰ、主语+系动词+表语(SVP)(S—subject; V—verb; P--predicative)
e.g. The flowers are red.
主语 系动词 表语(形容词)
e.g. I am a worker.
主语 系动词 表语(名词)
e.g. The book is on the table.
主语 系动词 表语
e.g. The truth is that he is a liar说谎的人.
主语 系动词 表语
e.g. He looks like his father.
主语 半系动词 表语
e.g. What I want to know is when you will leave for Beijing?
主语 系动词 表语
e.g. It is important for him to be careful.
主语 系动词 表语 真正主语
e.g. He has come back. 不及物动词后带作状语的副词
主语 谓语
e.g. They laughed at him. 不及物动词后带作状语的介词短语
主语 谓语
laugh at 1. 因…而发笑 (e.g. laugh at a joke 听了笑话而发笑); 2. 嘲笑
e.g. We had some bread and eggs for breakfast . for表示目的, 作为早餐
主语 谓语 宾语 状语
e.g. I like reading English at home.
主语 谓语 动名词结构作宾语 状语
e.g. We have leant that you would visit your parents tomorrow.
主语 谓语 宾语从句
e.g. He gave me a book.
主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语
e.g. They informed us that they might be 20 minutes late.
主语 谓语 间接宾语 直接宾语
e.g. We considered him to a top student.
主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语
e.g. The news made him very happy.
主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语
e.g. They find it difficult to answer the question.
主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语 真正的宾语
补充: 某些及物动词除要求带宾语外,有时还需要有一个成分补充说明该宾语的动作、状态、特征等,意思才完整,这个成分就是宾语补足语。
e.g. We leave the door open
主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足语
能用于“主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+补足语(SVOC)”结构的动词不多, 常见的有:
set: e.g. set the bird free; 使处于某种状态
make: e.g. make me happy;
keep: e.g. keep the trees alive; 使…保持着(某种状态)
leave: e.g. leave the boy without care and support; 使…处于某种状态
Without: perp.没有;不
e.g. They have endured three days without food or water. (没有)
e.g. Close the door without making any noise, please. (不)
还有一种存在句型: there be 的句型
e.g. There is something wrong here.
e.g. There are two people over there.
英语句子中的几个基本句式:陈述句,疑问句,感叹句和祈使句。 陈述句分为肯定句和否定句, 陈述句和否定句(在be动词后加not或在助动词后加not)是我们最为熟悉的句式, 最常见的结构。
e.g. He is a worker. 其否定句是:He is not a worker.
e.g. He likes English. 其否定句:He doesn't like English.

