

分类: 职称英语  时间: 2023-11-24 15:27:12 

连词主要在分句之间起逻辑连接作用。该词类的考察可能会出现在文章阅读中(间接考察)和完型填空题(直接考察)中。在完型填空题中有时会有1-3个题涉及到连词的选择。在复习中可以主要注意这几个常用的连词:and, but, while, when, because, though, although, if, as, as if, as though, as long as, as soon as, since(可以引导时间状语从句,表示“自从”,引导原因状语从句,翻译成“因为”) 。
and“(表示并列或对称关系〕及,和,与,同;又,兼” e.g. a man and a woman;
比较:e.g. a statesman and writer 政治家兼作家 (一般性了解)
比较: e.g. my mother and I 我和我的母亲
“〔表示结果〕然后”e.g. The sun came out and the grasses dried. 日出草干 (考点)
“(用于连接行为动词,表示动作之间的先后顺序〕” e.g. Try and (= try to) do 试着做一做 / e.g. Go and(= go to) see 去看看吧 (考点)
but“但是,可是,然而”e.g. He is rich, but (he is) not happy. 他有钱但是不幸福。not…but…(不是…而是…)(考点) e.g. He is not a soldier but a sailor. /他不是陆军而是海军)
“只能,不得不” (考点)e.g. They had no other choice but [to] surrender. 他们别无选择,只能投降。e.g. I can not but admire his courage. 我不得不佩服他的勇敢
e.g. This letter is nothing but an insult. 这封信完全是一种侮辱。 (〔加强语气〕简直,的确) (考点)
“除(某人)以外,除了(某人)”e.g. No one replied but me. 除了我,没有别人回答。(考点)
1. ___ he saw both surprised and frighten him.
A. When B. That C. What D. whom
提示:that在名词性的从句中只具有语法功能, 不能在从句中充当任何成分。
2. Tell me ___ you admired most?
A. when B. why C. whom D. that
(A Pay Rise or Not?)综合类B/C级阅读判断文章
"Unless I get a rise(条件状语从句), I'll have a talk with the boss, Henry Manley," George Strong said to himself. George liked his job and he liked the town he lived in, but (并列分句)his wife kept telling him that (宾语从句)his pay was not enough to meet the needs of the family. That was why (表语从句)he was thinking of taking a job in Birmingham, a nearby city about 50 miles away. He had been offered a job in a factory there, and the pay was far better.

代词指it, he, their, theirs之类的词,用来代替意思更确切的名词或名词短语,如:
it 指代:e.g. weather, time, a pen, a baby
he 指代:e.g. Tom
their指代:e.g. Tom and Mary’s
theirs指代:e.g. Tom and Mary’s car
代词中包括限定词需要掌握的有:both, all, either,neither ,这些限定指代范围的词在词义上包含了后面省去了的名词的含义。
e.g. Which bottle would you like? --- I’ll take both.(both指的是both bottles, 在这里用作代词。)。
e.g. I don't know both(e.g. people). 我不是两个人都认识〔只认识其中之一〕。(考点: 部分否定结构)
e.g. Either will do. (他们)随便哪个都行.
e.g. All (e.g. people)are agreed. 全体赞成。
e.g. Not all lawyers have large incomes.不是所有的律师都收入高。(考点: 部分否定结构)

large: (体积,空间,数量,规模等)大的,巨大的
a large family 多子女的家庭;/ a large population 人口众多。/ a large merchant 巨商。
neither: “两者中无…,两者都不…”
e.g. I like neither. 我两个都不喜欢。
e.g.She doesn’t believe us.
e.g.They are always making jokes about me.
物主代词分为名词性的物主代词和形容词性的物主代词。名词性的物主代词指的是名词性属格代词,如:mine, yours等。名词性的物主代词在句中起名词词组的作用,可作主语,主语补语,宾语,同位语等,如:
e.g.Theirs is the only house here that is being painted.
e.g.I’ll do my work and you do yours.
形容词性的物主代词在句子中充当形容词的语法功能, 对其后面的名词进行所属范围的限定,如:
e.g. Well, that isn't our business. 可是,那事跟我们不相干。
business: 事务,业务;事
e.g. What line of business are you in? 你是干什么的?My business is.../我从事...; It is none of your business. 不关你事,别管闲事; Business before pleasure. 正事要紧 )

