

分类: TOEIC托业英语 

wardrobe n. a tall cabinet, closet, or small room built to hold clothes; the costumes belonging to a theater or theatrical troupe

warehouse n. depot; wholesale store; large retail store

warehouse v. to store in a large building

warrant n. authorization or certification; sanction, as given by a superior; justification for an action or a belief; grounds

warranty n. guarantee; certificate indicating responsibility; authority; justification

waver v. to sway; to oscillate; to vacillate; to fluctuate; to blink; to flicker (as of light); to wobble; to tremble; to collapse; to begin to fail; to hesitate; to falter

whereasconj. since; inasmuch as; while; while on the contrary

whereas conj. this being the case; since (used in formal documents)

widespread adj. common; popular; extensive; prevalent

width n. breadth; thickness

willingness n. readiness; agreeableness; state or condition of being willing

wipe v. to subject to light rubbing or friction, as with a cloth or paper, in order to clean or dry; to clean or dry by rubbing

withdraw v. to pull back; to remove from; to take money from the bank; to take back; to retire; to depart; to remove; to take out

wither v. to dry up or shrivel from or as if from loss of moisture; to lose freshness; droop

withhold v. to keep in check; restrain; to refrain from giving, granting, or permitting; to deduct (withholding tax) from an employee's salary

withstand v. to bear; to endure

witness n. testifier; onlooker; bystander; testimony

witness v. to look on; to see; to observe; to testify; to vouch for; to corroborate; to be an eye-witness; to note; to notice

woeful adj. affected by or full of woe; mournful; deplorably bad or wretched

wool n. fleece from some animals; clothing made from wool; thread made from wool; (nickname for) frizzy hair

workshop n. seminar; brief intensive educational program; discussion group

wrench n. violent twist; violent ripping; tool for gripping or turning bolts

wrench v. to pull by force; to bend forcefully; to twist; to hurt by twisting; to cut off; to distort; to pervert

write off v. to disregard an outstanding debt (as of a customer); to consider worthless; to make a reduction in a value for accounting purposes

wry adj. distorted; crooked; twisted; askew; contorted; ironic; dry

yearly adj. occurring once within 12 months

yearly adv. annually

yet adv. still; already; in addition; nevertheless; but; in spite of; although

yetconj. but; in spite of; despite

yield n. crop; harvest; return; produce; income; profit

yield v. to produce; to supply; to bear (profit, harvest, fruit, etc.); to give; to relinquish; to surrender; to comply; to withdraw

ZIP n. extension ZIP (Computers); extension of an archived file compressed with the ZIP program; ZIP drive; type of drive using removable disks


