

分类: TOEIC托业英语 


 6. Newspapers should not be                 by government if the public is to learn the truth.

A. printed

B. controlled

C. subsidized

D. recycled

6.B 句意:如果社会大众应该知道真相,报纸就不该受政府的控制。control控制,管理。print印刷,出版。subsidize补助,资助。recycle回收;再利用。

7.For                  ,consult the notice board at the Tourist Information Center.of current exhibitions

A. restorations

B. listings

C. permission

D. portraits

7.B 句意:目前展览会的一览表,请参考旅客服务中心的布告栏。listing一览表,清单。restoration恢复,归还。permission许可,允许。portrait画像,肖像。

8. The domestic automobile costs the same as a                imported model.

A. required

B. eventual

C. controlled

D. comparable

8.D 句意:这部国产车和同级的进口车价钱相同。comparable可相比的;同等级的。required 必须的;必修的。eventual最后的。controlled受控制的;有节制的。

9. Environmental scientists are               about the water quality of rivers and 1akes in Alaska.

A. determined

B. commented

C. assembled

D. concerned

9.D 句意:环保科学家很关心阿拉斯加河流和湖泊的水质。be concerned about关心,担忧。determine决心,确定。comment评论,注释。assemble聚合,装配。

10. Two years ago Paul formed a recording company and has since                26 records.

A. discharged

B. radiated

C. freelanced

D. released

10.D 句意:两年前,保罗成立了家唱片公司,从那以后,发行了26张唱片。release发布,发行。discharge解雇。radiate放射;散发(光、热)。freelance无契约地自由工作。


