

分类: FECT金融英语 
英文: STOCK ALERT - Shenzhen shares close sharply higher on market-boosting program
A- and B-share prices closed sharply higher in heavy trade on strong retail investor interest in response to further indications that the government is launching a major program apparently aimed at ramping up share prices, dealers said.

The Shenzhen A-share sub-index closed 326.06 points or 9.3 pct higher at 3,845.10, while the B-share sub-index closed 132.54 points or 9.98 pct higher at 1,460.45.

     中文:深股快讯 - A、B股大升 / 终止减持国有股刺激
交易员称, 国务院正式宣布暂停减持国有股, 显示政府着意托市, 投资者积极入市, A、B股收市急升, 全日交投畅旺。

成分A股指数收市升326.06, 报3,845.10, 升幅9.3%, 波幅介乎3,731.87至3,857.75;

成分B股指数则升132.54, 报1,460.45, 升幅9.98%, 波幅介乎1,405.32至1,460.45

