

分类: FECT金融英语 
英文: Shanghai shares sharply higher on govt moves to ramp up market
A- and B-share prices were sharply higher in early morning trade, although already off their initial highs, following further indications that the government is launching a program aimed at ramping up share prices, dealers said.

At 10.01 am, the Shanghai A-share index was up 95.70 points at 1,726.72, while the B-share index was up 8.80 points at 150.54. The composite index was up 91.80 points at 1,654.52.

Share prices gained sharply on Friday following publication of an editorial in the official China Securities Journal which was apparently aimed at boosting investor confidence and was seen by many as confirmation of rumours that the government is preparing to implement a ten-point package aimed at driving share prices higher.

This was followed over the weekend by the publication of a similar editorial on Saturday, the publication of reports that the government has given up a plan to sell off state shares via the stock market and the publication of provisional regulations raising the threshold for listed companies seeking to launch additional share offers.

All of these actions appeared to comfirm the rumours of a ten-point market-boosting package, they said.

Nonetheless, the initial gains quickly gave way to profit-taking, they said, noting that share prices are already very high following a sharp deterioration in corporate earnings in 2001, while earnings are expected to show a further deterioration in the first half of 2002.

 中文:沪股快讯 - A / B急涨反弹 / 国务院正式宣布暂停减持国有股
交易员称, 国务院正式宣布暂停减持国有股后, A / B股早上急升。

早上10:01, 上海A股指数升95.70, 报1,726.72; B股指数升8.80, 报150.54; 综指升91.80, 报1,654.52。

上周市场传出政府将推出托市10招, 其后《中国证券报》周五发表头版评论, 强调中国市场属「新兴」及「转轨」市场, 被视为当局有意为股市造势的证明, A、B股周五已偷步上扬。

到了周末, 媒体再刊类似评论, 财政部及中国证监也随即宣布, 停止在国内证券市场执行《减持国有股筹集社会保障资金管理暂行办法》中, 关于利用证券市场减持国有股的规定, 并不再推出具体的实施办法。

不过, 沪股经过早段急涨后, 已有获利回吐, 由高位稍为回顺。

