分类: FECT金融英语
distribution statement 发行说明(即在技术文件的封面或扉页上, 说明文件的密级、发行控制范围等内容)
distribution statement of service cost 服务费用分配表
dynamic statement 动态报-3表1
earned surplus statement 盈余公积计算书, 营业公积金表
earnings statement 损益表
environmental statement 环境报告
environmental impact statement 环境影响评介; 环境预断评介
estimatedstatement 估计表
expenses statement 费用表
explanatory statement 叙述式决算表
final statement of accounts 往来帐目结算书
financial statement 财政[务]决算
financial position statement 财务状况表; 资产负债表
fiscal statement 会计报表
flow-of-funds statements 资金流量表
footnotes accompanying statements 附有脚注的财务报表
functional statement 按职能分列的计算书
fund statement (=statement of changes in financial position) 资金变动情况表, 财务状况变动表
funds flow statement 资金流量表
general average statement 共同海损理算书
general price level adjusted statement 按综合物价水平调整的报表
general purpose statements 通用决算表
giving-effect statement 预期报表
graphic statement 图形决算表
group financial statement 分组合并的财务报表
income statement 所得[损益]计算书
interest statement 息单
interim statements 期中决算表(指决算前所编的决算表), 中期报表
interim financial statement 中期财务报表
interim income statement 期中损益计算书
interim-earnings statement 期中盈利报表
manufacturingstatement 制造成本表
material(s)statement 原材料表
mathe-matical statement 数学的陈述
monthly statement of accounts 每月对帐单
monthly financial statement 月结表, 月份财务报表
monthly income statement 月份损益计算书
multiple-step income statement 多级损益表
numerical statement 统计
objective statement (以费用的直接形式与用途表示的)用途别费用报表
one hundred percent statement 百分率表
operating-performance income statement 营业实绩收益表
operation statement 营业表, 损益表
partial income statement 部分损益表
periodic(al) statement 定期报表
periodic statistical statement 定期统计报表
pictorial statement 图形(决算)表
planned statement of nonoperating profit and loss 营业外损益计划表
planned statement of standardized current capital 定额流动资金计划表
position statement 财务状况表(资产负债表)
premium statement 保险费帐单
prepare statement 编报表
price level adjusted statement 按价格水平调整的报表
principal statement 主要报表
pro forma statement 暂编报表, 暂编决算表, 预测报表
pro forma income statement (=budgeted income statement) 预计[计划]损益计算书
production statement 生产状况表
distribution statement of service cost 服务费用分配表
dynamic statement 动态报-3表1
earned surplus statement 盈余公积计算书, 营业公积金表
earnings statement 损益表
environmental statement 环境报告
environmental impact statement 环境影响评介; 环境预断评介
estimatedstatement 估计表
expenses statement 费用表
explanatory statement 叙述式决算表
final statement of accounts 往来帐目结算书
financial statement 财政[务]决算
financial position statement 财务状况表; 资产负债表
fiscal statement 会计报表
flow-of-funds statements 资金流量表
footnotes accompanying statements 附有脚注的财务报表
functional statement 按职能分列的计算书
fund statement (=statement of changes in financial position) 资金变动情况表, 财务状况变动表
funds flow statement 资金流量表
general average statement 共同海损理算书
general price level adjusted statement 按综合物价水平调整的报表
general purpose statements 通用决算表
giving-effect statement 预期报表
graphic statement 图形决算表
group financial statement 分组合并的财务报表
income statement 所得[损益]计算书
interest statement 息单
interim statements 期中决算表(指决算前所编的决算表), 中期报表
interim financial statement 中期财务报表
interim income statement 期中损益计算书
interim-earnings statement 期中盈利报表
manufacturingstatement 制造成本表
material(s)statement 原材料表
mathe-matical statement 数学的陈述
monthly statement of accounts 每月对帐单
monthly financial statement 月结表, 月份财务报表
monthly income statement 月份损益计算书
multiple-step income statement 多级损益表
numerical statement 统计
objective statement (以费用的直接形式与用途表示的)用途别费用报表
one hundred percent statement 百分率表
operating-performance income statement 营业实绩收益表
operation statement 营业表, 损益表
partial income statement 部分损益表
periodic(al) statement 定期报表
periodic statistical statement 定期统计报表
pictorial statement 图形(决算)表
planned statement of nonoperating profit and loss 营业外损益计划表
planned statement of standardized current capital 定额流动资金计划表
position statement 财务状况表(资产负债表)
premium statement 保险费帐单
prepare statement 编报表
price level adjusted statement 按价格水平调整的报表
principal statement 主要报表
pro forma statement 暂编报表, 暂编决算表, 预测报表
pro forma income statement (=budgeted income statement) 预计[计划]损益计算书
production statement 生产状况表