

分类: FECT金融英语 

dactyloscopy 指纹法

death 死亡 dead body 尸体

death certificate 死亡证明 death diagnosis 死亡诊断

death due to trussing up 捆绑死

death form hanging 缢死(系将绳索等套在颈部,利用体重下垂,使绳索压迫经颈部而引起窒息死亡)

death from ageing 老衰死

death from burn 烧死

death from cold 冻死

death from cruelty 待死

death from drowning 溺死(因水或其他液体吸入 吸道和肺泡而引起窒息死亡)

death from electricity 电击死

death from hanging 吊死

death from lightning 雷击死

death from manual strangulation 死(用手 在颈部而引起的窒息死亡)

death from neglect 遗弃死

death from pinch 掐死(见death from manual strangulation )

death from scald 烫伤

death from starvation 饿死

death from strangulation by ligature 勒死(系将绳索等环绕颈部,用手的力量或某种机械的作用,使绳索绞勒颈项而引起的窒息死亡)

death from manual stangulation throttling 扼死

death from manual stangulation timing of trauma 损伤时间推断

death from manual strangulation strangulation mark 勒沟

death from manual strangulation masochism 受虐癖 以接受异性虐待痛苦而得到性满足。

decapitation 断头术

deception 诈病,欺骗

decompose to bony skeleton 白骨化(尸体软组织因腐败最后溶解消失,仅剩骨骼和毛发的症状)

defence wound 防卫伤

defloration 处女膜破裂;破贞

deformity 畸形

delayed postmortem phenomena 晚期尸体现象(死后24小时以后的一些特有尸体现象,如腐败,白骨化等,)

dental identification 牙齿鉴定

dentistry odontology 齿科学

determination of sex 性别鉴定

diagnosis 诊断

diatom 硅藻

differential diagnosis 鉴别诊断

direct cause of death 直接死因

disease 疾病

disability evaluation 残疾评定

disablement 残废

disfigurement 毁容

disintigration of the body 肢体断碎

disquise 假装,伪装

fislocation 脱位

dismembered body 碎尸

dissimulation 匿病(隐匿疾病)

document examination 文件检验

documentary evidence of medicolegal expertise 法医学鉴定书

drown 淹死 drug abuse 滥用药物

dry drowning 干型溺死( 见atypical drowning)


early postmortem phenomena 早期尸体现象

ecchymosis 出血斑 ecchymosis 尸斑(人死后在尸体低下部位皮肤因 血液坠积而出现的紫红色斑。) electric mark 电流斑

electric trauma 电流损伤

electrical asphyxia 电流窒息

electrothanasia 电击死

embalming 尸体防腐 embolism 栓塞(血液中的异物,如脂肪、空气等,随血液运行被带往他处,阻塞血管腔的过程)

emphysema of lungs 肺气肿

entorrhagia 内出血

entrance of stab wound 刺入口

entrance wound of bullet 射人口

epidermal desquamation scrape 表皮剥落

epidermal desquamation self mutilation 自残

epidermal desquamation 表皮剥落(物体擦过皮肤表面,使皮肤呈点状、条状或片状剥 落,露出下层真皮的损伤。)

epidermal tear 表皮撕裂

epidural hemorrhage 硬脑膜外出血

eroticism 性欲倒错

erotism 性欲倒错

erythrocyte antigen 红细胞抗原

erythrocyte enzyme 红细胞酶

estimation of age 年龄推断

estimation of postmortem interval 死亡时间推断

euthanasia 安乐死

evulsion 撕脱

exaggeration 夸大(患者以轻病装作重病,否定医疗效果或病情好转。)

examination 检验 examination of phlegm spot 痰斑检验

examination of sperma spot 精液斑检验

examination of egesta 排泄物检验

examination of excreta spot 痰斑检验

examination of age of blood stain 血痕陈旧度检验

examination aqua amnii spot 羊水斑检验

examination of blood stain 血痕检验

examination of colostrum stain 初乳斑检验 examination of dejecta 排泄物检验

examination of diatom 硅藻检验

examination of feces stain 粪便斑检验

examination of finger nail 指甲检验

examination of hair 毛发检验

examination of liquor amnii spot 羊水斑检验

examination of lochial stain 恶露斑检验

examination of milk spot 乳汁斑检验

examination of mixed stain 混合斑检验

examination of pus spot 浓汁斑检验

examination of saliva stain 唾液斑检验

examination of secrete juice spot 分泌液斑检验

examination of seminal stain 精斑检验

examination of snivel spot 鼻涕斑检验

examination of

sudor spot 汗液斑检验

examination of sweat spot 汗液斑检验

examination of taches laiteuses 乳汁斑检验

examination of urine/urinary stain 尿液斑检验

examination of vaginal fluid stain 阴道液斑检验

examination of vernix caseosa stain 胎脂斑检验

examination of vernix meconium 胎便斑检验

excoriation of scalp 头皮撕脱

exfdiation 表皮剥脱

epidermal desquamation. eixt of stab wound 刺出口

exit wound of bullet 射出口

exocuticle 外小皮

expert witness 鉴定人,专家证人

expert testimony 专家作证

experimental 实验的

expert conclusion 专家结论

expertise 专门技能,鉴定,专门知识

expertise report 鉴定书

explosion injury 爆炸伤

extradural hemorrhage 硬脑膜外血肿

