

分类: FECT金融英语 
债转股 debt-to-equity sap

港元的联系汇率制 the linkage system beteen the US dollar and the HK dollar

坏帐、呆帐、死帐 bad account/ dead account/ uncollectible account/bad debt/ bad loan

反倾销措施 anti-dumping measures against……

通货紧缩 deflation

通货膨胀 inflation

非配额产品 quota-free products

非生产性投资 investment in non-productive projects

风险管理/评估 risk management/ assessment

风险基金 venture capital

风险准备金 loan loss provision/ provisions of risk

搞活国有大中型企业 revitalize large and medium-sized state oned enterprises

规模经济 scale economy/ economies of scale

国合企业(即国有合作社) state-oned cooperatives

国际收支 balance of international payments/ balance of payment

国际收支不平衡 disequilibrium of balance of payment

国家补贴 public subsidies

国家现汇结存 state foreign exchange reserves

合理引导消费 guide rational consumption

季节性调价 seasonal price adjustments

既成事实 established/accomplished facts

技工贸结合的科技型企业 scientific and technological enterprises that integrate scientific and technological development ith industrial and trade development

劳动密集性企业 labor-intensive enterprises

乱集资、乱摊派、乱收费 unarranted pooling of funds, arbitrary requisition of donations and exaction of fees from enterprises/ unauthorized pooling of funds, compulsory donations and random levies on enterprises

千年问题、千年虫 millennium bug

企业技术改造 technological updating of enterprises

企业亏损补贴 subsidies to cover enterprise losses

实行国民待遇 grant the national treatment to

平等互利、讲求实效、形式多样、共同发展的方针 pursuing practical results, adopting various ays and seeking common development/ the principle of equality, mutual benefit, efficiency, diversity and mutual development

瓶颈制约 "bottleneck" restrictions

