

分类: FECT金融英语 

In order to induce ____________________________ (Name of Company), a ____________ (State) corporation, and any other Co-Buyer or Participant as specified in the Agreements (Buyer) to extend and/or to continue to extend financial

accommodations to the Seller specified below, or pursuant to any other present or

future agreement between Buyer and Seller (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Agreements), and in consideration thereof, and in consideration of any loans,

advances, or financial accommodations heretofore or hereafter granted by Buyer to or for the account of Seller, whether pursuant to the Agreements, or otherwise, the

undersigned officer(s), authorized agent(s) or third party guarantors of Seller

(hereinafter collectively and individually referred to as the Guarantor) hereby, jointly and severally, guarantees, promises and undertakes as follows:

为了促使 (公司名称),一家(州名)公司,和协议中列明的任何其他共买方或参与者(买方)根据如下,或根据买卖双方任何其他现有的或未来的协议(以下一并简称为协议)向卖方提供及/ 或继续提供资金融通,并考虑到买方迄今为止已经或今后将要向卖方或为卖方利益支付的任何贷款、预付款或融资,无论其是否与协议有关,下列签字的卖方职员、经授权的卖方代理人或卖方的第三方担保人(以下一并且各自简称为保证人)均据此连带担保、承诺及保证如下:

1. Guaranty of Obligations.担保债务

Guarantor unconditionally, absolutely and irrevocably guarantees and promises to pay to Buyer, on order or demand, in lawful money of the United States, any and all indebtedness and obligations of Seller to Buyer and the payment to Buyer of all sums which may be presently due and owing to Buyer from Seller whether under the Agreements or otherwise.



The terms indebtedness and obligations are (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Obligations) used herein in their most comprehensive sense and include any and all advances, debts, obligations and liabilities of Seller, heretofore, now, or hereafter made, incurred or created, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, and however arising

(including, without limitation, indebtedness owing by Seller to third parties who have granted Buyer a security interest in the accounts, chattel paper and general intangibles of said third party; and further including, without limitation, any and all attorneys fees, expenses, costs, premiums, charges and interest owed by Seller to Buyer, whether under the Agreements, or otherwise) whether due or not due, absolute or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, determined or undetermined, whether Seller may be liable individually or jointly with others, whether recovery upon such indebtedness may be or hereafter becomes barred by any statute of limitations or whether such indebtedness may be or hereafter becomes otherwise unenforceable, and includes Sellers prompt, full and faithful performance, observance and discharge of each and every term, condition, agreement, representation, warranty undertaking and provision to be performed by Seller under these Agreements.


2. Continuing Guaranty. This General Continuing Guaranty (the Guaranty) is a

continuing guaranty which shall remain effective until this Guaranty has been

expressly terminated and relates to any obligations including those which arise under successive transactions which shall either continue the Obligations from time to time or renew them after they have been satisfied. Any such termination shall be applicable only after written notice to Buyer, and only to transactions having their inception

prior to such date. No termination shall be effective until such time as Buyer is no

longer committed or otherwise obligated to make any loans or advances, or to grant

any credit to Seller. In the absence of any termination of this Guaranty, Guarantor

agrees that nothing shall discharge or satisfy its obligations created hereunder except

for the full payment and performance of the Obligations with interest.

第二条 连续担保。


3. Rights are Independent. Guarantor agrees that it is directly and primarily liable to

Buyer, that the obligations hereunder are independent of the obligations of Seller and

that a separate action or actions may be brought and prosecuted against Guarantor,

whether action is brought against Seller or whether Seller is joined in any such action or actions. Guarantor agrees that any releases which may be given by Buyer to Seller or any other guarantor or endorser shall not release it from this Guaranty.

第三条 担保权利独立。


4. Default. In the event that any bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or similar proceeding is instituted by or against Guarantor and/or the Seller or in the event that either

the Guarantor or Seller become insolvent, make an assignment for the benefit of

creditors or attempt to effect a composition with creditors, or if there be any default

under the Agreements (whether declared or not), then, at Buyers election, without

notice or demand, the Obligations of Guarantor created hereunder shall become due,

payable and enforceable against Guarantor whether or not the Obligations are then

due and payable.

第四条 违约。


5. Indemnification. Guarantor agrees to indemnify Buyer and hold Buyer harmless against all obligations, demands and liabilities, by whomsoever asserted and against all

losses in any way suffered, incurred or paid by Buyer as a result of or in any way arising out of, following or consequential to transactions with Seller whether under the Agreements, or otherwise, and also agrees that this Guaranty shall not be impaired by any modification, supplement, extension or amendment of any contract or agreement to which Buyer and Seller may hereafter agree, nor by any modification, release or other alteration of any of the Obligations hereby guaranteed or of any security therefor, nor by any agreements or arrangements whatever with Seller or anyone else.

第五条 补偿。


6. Consent to Modifications. Guarantor hereby authorizes Buyer, without notice or demand and without affecting its liability hereunder, from time to time to:

第六条 同意变更。


6.1 renew, compromise, extend, accelerate or otherwise change the time for the Obligations, or any part thereof, including, without limitation, increasing or decreasing any of the fees thereof;


6.2 take and hold security for the payment of the Obligations guaranteed hereby, and exchange, enforce, waive and release any such security;


6.3 apply such security and direct the order or manner of sale thereof as Buyer in its

discretion may determine;


6.4 release or substitute any one or more endorser(s) or guarantor(s); and


6.5 assign, without notice, this Guaranty in whole or in part and Buyers rights

hereunder to anyone at any time.


Guarantor agrees that Buyer may do any or all of the foregoing in such manner, upon such terms, and at such times as Buyer, in its discretion, deems advisable, without, in any way or respect, impairing, affecting, reducing or releasing Guarantor from its undertakings hereunder and Guarantor hereby consents to each and all of the foregoing acts, events and occurrences.


7. Waiver of Defenses. Guarantor hereby waives any right to assert against Buyer as a defense, counterclaim, setoff on cross claim, any defense (legal or equitable), setoff, counterclaim and claim which Guarantor may now or at any time hereafter have against Seller and any other party liable to Buyer in any way or manner.

第七条 放弃抗辩。


Guarantor hereby waives all defenses, counterclaims and offsets of any kind or nature, arising directly or indirectly from the present or future lack of perfection, sufficiency, validity or enforceability of the Agreements or any security interest thereunder.


Guarantor hereby waives any defense arising by reason of any claim or defense based upon an election of remedies by Buyer, which, in any manner impairs, affects,

reduces, releases, destroys or extinguishes Guarantors subrogation rights, rights to

proceed against Seller for reimbursement, or any other rights of the Guarantor or

against any other person or security, including, but not limited to, any defense based

upon an election of remedies by Buyer under the provisions of applicable state law, orof the United States.


Guarantor waives all presentments, demands for performance, notices of

nonperformance, protests, notices of protests, notice of dishonor, notices of default,

notice of acceptance of this Guaranty, and notices of the existence, creating or

incurring of new or additional indebtedness, and all other notices or formalities to

which Guarantor may be entitled.


8. Waiver of Jury Trial. Guarantor waives any right to a jury trial in any action hereunder or arising out of Buyers transactions with Seller.

第八条 放弃由陪审团审理的权利。


9. Waiver of Rights of Subrogation. The Guarantor shall have no right of subrogation, reimbursement, exoneration, contribution or any other rights that would result in the Guarantor being deemed a creditor of Seller under the United States Bankruptcy Code or any other law or for any other purpose and the Guarantor hereby irrevocably

waives all such rights, the right to assert any such rights and any right to enforce any

remedy which Guarantor may now or hereafter have against Seller and hereby

irrevocably waives any benefit of and any right to participate in, any security now or

hereafter held by Buyer, whether any of the foregoing rights arise in equity, at law or by contract.

