

分类: FECT金融英语 
上述的 Above-Mentioned
按照,依据According to
海事报告,事故报告Accident Report
接受订单Accept an Order
得到…承认Find Acceptance with
交单承兑documents against Acceptance
旅客甲板Accommodation Deck 舷梯Accommodation Ladder
起居仓室Accommodation Space 连同,随附Accompanied by
符合Accord with 因此,按要求Accordingly
帐,帐目,帐户Account 帐号Account No
会计师Accountant 应付款Account Payable
应收款Account Receivable 记到…帐上On One’s Account
是…的原因,占Account for 缴款单位,以…为付款人For Account of
因为On Account of 帐,开户Open Account
记帐单位Unit of Account 计算Accounting
告知(收到),承认Acknowledged 担任Act as
代理Act for 人力不可抗拒Act for God
实际皮重Actual Tare 实际全损Actual Total Loss
更多的,附加费Additional 附请Additional Note
胶带Adhesive Tape 调整,评定赔偿要求Adjustment
漂泊Adrift 掺杂,掺假Adulteration
提前Advance 事先In Advance
在…前,提前,胜过In Advance of 预付保费Advance Call
预付运费Advanced Freight 价格Advancing
优点Advantage 通知Advice
汇票通知书Advice of Drawing 装运通知 Advice of Shipment
通知银行Advising Bank 电告 Cable Advice
接到...的通知 Get Advice from 待...通知 To Be Advised by
租船契约 Affreightment 业经装运(在途)路货 Afloat(In Transit)
上述的 Aforesaid 船尾 Aft
发票后 出票后 After Date 后舱 After Bold
后部 After Part 船尾尖舱 After Peak
船尾垂线 After Perpendicular 见票后 After Sight
船龄Age of Vessel 代理处 Agency
代理人 Agent 同意 Agree
双方商定的 Agreed 约定的,公认的 Agreed?on
契约、议定书 Agreement 与...一致 In Agreement with
向前 Ahead 提前Ahead of
继续Go Ahead with 搁浅Aground
空运货物 Air-borne Goods 空运集装箱 Air Container
气垫船 Air-cushion Vehicle?ACV 航空信 Air Mail(Post)
空气管 Air Pipe 警报器 Alarm
通路 Alley Way 允许 Allow
全天候All Weather 不准 Not Allowed
允许公差 Allowable Tolerance 折扣、补贴Allowance
一切险 All Risks(Insurance) 码头工人Alongshoreman
变更卸港Alteration of Destination 可供选择,替换Atternative
合别、联合Amalgamation 补充 Amend
修改书、修改Amendment 友好地 Amicably
船中 Amidship 总金额 Amount
总计,共达 Amounting to 合计金额Amount in Total
锚 Anchor 锚地 Anchorage
锚链 Anchor Cable 起锚机 Anchor Windlass
风速计 Anemometer 横倾角 Angle of Heel
纵倾角 Angle of Trim 年度检验 Annual Survey
异常的 Anovmatlous 防撞雷达 Anticollision Radar
倒签提单 Anti-da 防腐剂,消毒剂 Antiseptic
决不 Anything but,Never 只能是 Cannot Be Anything but
相距 Apart 道歉 Apologize

外观上 In Appearance 外观完好的 Apparently Sound
引起…的兴趣 Appeal 外现Appearance
申请人 Applicant 检验申请(单) Application for Inspection
指定代理人 Appointed Agent 审评 Appraisal
感激 Appreciate 实习驾驶员 Apprentice 0ffice
仲裁 Arbitration 阿基米德原理 Archimedes’s Law
拖欠 (In)Arrears 船中剖面面积Area of Midship Section
水线面积 Area of Water Plan 浸水面积 Area of Wetted Surface
布置图 Arrangement Plan 抵港通知 Arrival Notice?A.N.
运输线 Artery 商品,项目、货号 Article
按照样品 As Per Sample 到岸上 Ashore
附加费 Associate Charge 倒车 Astern
横过船体 Athwartship 原子动力船 Atom Powered Ship
汽车集装箱Auto Container 任意,随便At Random
即期 At Sight 即期...天 At...Day Sight
附表 Attached List 注意,经办人 Attention
拍卖Auction 稽核,查帐 Audit
查帐员 Auditor 权威的法定文本Authentic Legal Text
权威鉴定人 Authentic Surveyor 有效,付款Available
讨款金额Available Amount 到处有售Available Everywhere
可来函索取Available on Request(Application) 情况不明 Information Not Available
目前未有的 Be Currently Not Available 可向...购买 Available from
仅在...有效(付款)Available on 仅凭...有效(付款)Aavailable against
对...有效(付款) Available to 航空 Aviation
在...凭...有效(付款)Available with...by... 平均凶涛气候 Average Rough Weather
平均皮重 Average Tare 按平均 On an Average
请回答 Awaiting Your Reply 笨重货 Awkward Cargo
呆帐 Bad Debt 袋装 Bagged
行李房 Baggage Room 压载 Ballast
压载水仓 Ballast Tank 压载水 Ballast Water
国际收支 Balance of (International) Payments 贸易差额Balance of Trade
包装货物Bale Cargo 包装唛头Bale Mark
包号Bale No 破产 Bankruptcy
以物易物,易货贸易 Barter(Trade) 裸装 Bare in Loose
方形驱船 Barge 飓风计 Barocyclonometer
气压计Barometer 基线 Base Line
凭样检验 Based on Sample 不予采用的理由Basis for Rejecting
板材 Board 债券 Bond
宽度 Breadth 支承、注明Bear
持票人 Bearer 记住 Bear in Mind
横梁 Beam 梁肘 Beam Bracket
皮带、输送机 Belt Conveyor 污水沟 Bilge
船边盖板Bilge Board 船边龙骨 Bi1ge Keel
船边内龙骨Bilge Keelson 船边水管 Bilge Pipe
船边吸管 Bilge Suction 污水Bilge Water
污水井 Bilge Well 方形系数 Block Coefficient
艇甲板 Boat Deck 水手长 Boatswain(Bos/n)
有...迹象 Bear Evidence of 事先 Beforehand
利益Behalf 代表,以…名义In Behalf of
代表For and on behalf of 在下面,以下 Below
受益人,收款人 Beneficiary 泊位 Berth
停泊在… Berthed at... 最好的,优质的Best
就(尽)...的所知 To the Best one/s Knowledge 托收汇票‘Bill for Collection

