

分类: FECT金融英语 
ROB: Allen, I just heard the good news.

ALLEN: What good news?

ROB: They chose you to be project assistant over in Chicago. Congratulations.

ALLEN: Yes, Mr. Tate told me before the meeting Tuesday.

ROB: Great. I bet you're excited, aren’t you?

ALLEN: I was quite surprised. But it isn't all for certain yet.

I told them I will accept, though, if they choose me.

ROB: You don't seem very happy about it. Why?

ALLEN: Maybe I'm a little nervous about making such a big move right now.

You know Nancy and I just bought a new house.

ROB: Have you told her yet?

ALLEN: I plan to talk with her about it tonight.

ROB: Chicago is a nice place.

And you both speak English well. Her English is excellent.

ALLEN: I know she doesn't want to be far from her family.

That will be the hardest part for her.

ROB: You're both young. A little adventure will be good for you.

ALLEN: Maybe.

ROB: Do you know how long the project over there will last?

ALLEN: Mr. Tate said I would probably be over there for two years.

But it could be more than that, too.

So I think two or three years, at least.

ROB: To be honest, I envy you.

I've never had a chance to work in one of the overseas’ offices.

I wish it were me who could go.

ALLEN: You're too important here, Rob. We wouldn’t be able to function here without you.

ROB: Maybe some time in the future I will be able to get a couple years overseas.

I really like that idea——changing one's life for awhile.

ALLEN: And your wife?

ROB: Oh, Carol is even more adventuresome than I am.

She would be thrilled if I got a transfer. She always talks about traveling more.

ALLEN: I've only been out of the country once in my life.

ROB: Well, living abroad would be a great experience for you then.

I think you should look forward to it.

ALLEN: I do look forward to it, but I'll have to talk it over with Nancy.

ROB: Good luck!

ALLEN: Thanks.

